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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which Company Do You Think Would Have The Least Trouble If Gaming Crashed?


Which one?

Nintendo 85 45.70%
Sony 17 9.14%
Microsoft 74 39.78%
That Disney ad on here 10 5.38%
Seece said:
lt_dan_27 said:
Seece said:
lt_dan_27 said:
Seece said:
lt_dan_27 said:
Microsoft would be better off as a company without consoles because their console division has been overall unprofitable. The xbox division is killing microsoft based on what I can tell. Then they could focus on their products that people used to care about, like windows.
Sony would be the second to least effected. They've other electronic divisions that are profitable. They also have internet and insurance.
Nintendo would be completely dead. They only have gaming.

Are you freaking kidding? The EDD (the division Xbox Is in) over the last 6 years has made $3b profit. Overall the Xbox is in the red, suffered heavy losses early on, but for the majority of last gen is was making money.

Regardless of that, you realise MS make like $8 bill a quarter right? Xbox is chump change to them. Killing them??? That's hilarious.

Sony's electronic divisions don't make them much money and each one of them isn't in the best shape right now. Internet????

Jesus dude, I've never seen someone get more worked up by agreeing with someone. Xbox is clearly not profitable if one of the people that may become CEO is considering selling the division. Microsoft makes a ton of money, so yes they would be the least effected, and there's a lot of evidene  suggesting that they lose money on ms. Here, read this article,

Sorry, I'll amend my statement and say it's making them hemorage money.

About your other statement. I'm saying they have other profitable divisions, and yes sony is an internet provider.

I don't care about what he or she says ect ect. I follow the quarterly reports. Do you? The EDD which houses Xbox has been making money for 6 straight years now, that's a fact. Not hearsay on the internet.

Don't misread my tone as getting worked up, just calling out a ridiculous misinformed post. How exactly can you pin point why gaming is making Nintendo and Sony money, but not for Microsoft? The software sells well on the system. The hardware isn't sold at a loss, and they charge for online.

You count internet in Japan as a saviour for Sony yet Xbox is 'killing' MS, what is office then? nothing compared to Sony Internet!!

I consider people using a lot of exclaimation points getting worked up. Did I say that internet is saving sony? No. I said they've got other things to make money, just like microsoft does. That comparison is apples and oranges. I truly think that microsoft would be overall better off if they got rid of consoles. They devote all of their assets to one of their least profitable divisions, and yes, analysts estimate that. Could they be wrong? Yes. And I acknowledge that the 2.5 billion they're losing in electronics are not entirely, or even mostly, xbox. They're also forcing windows phone down people's throats. There isn't a comparison. And I've yet to see you back up one claim you've made. The reason I linked the internet was because I assumed "internet????" Meant you thought I was lying about their internet. Show me your quarterly reports that show the EDD division in the black.While  looking it up for me, read these too.

Eat your heart out.

Those links are total BS. The hardware starting profiting in 08

2008 - Xbox 360 hardware to become profitable -

360 'Incredibly profitable' -

None of these investors could even begin to come up with a checklist on how Xbox is losing 1.5B a year. Software is hugely profitable, hardware is profitable, live is profitable. MS do not spend 1.5B on advertising and marketing yearly.

These analysts have offered nothing, all they have to do is come out with 'Xbox isn't profitable' and the masses sink their teeth into it, you're a case in point.

6/30/2007 -1,969,000,000
6/30/2008 445,000,000
6/30/2009 351,000,000
6/30/2010 618,000,000
6/30/2011 1,324,000,000
6/30/2012 364,000,000
6/30/2013 848,000,000

A snapshot of EDD. FY 07 was the last time they made a significant loss (that was the year they shelled out $1b for RROD). Back then Android profits wernt around, Windows phone wasn't a huge sink and the division itself was light on products. Throughout the years they gave thanks to Xbox in their financial reports as to why revenue and profits in the EDD are so good. Look it up in the first link I gave you, it's all there.

But smartphone royalties from Android amounts to ~$2 billion per year of pure profit over the last couple of years? So any year where EDD is <$2 billion profit means the devision has sustained losses from other products within it. So that implies Xbox itself has not held up well even though Android royalties made the division profitable.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


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MS would clearly manage it the best, since it is only a relatively small part of their business. Nintendo could survive a crash and rebuild their business to better adapt to new conditions within video gaming. Sony on the other hand has alot riding on their video gaming department and has seen way better days as a company.

MohammadBadir said:
the gaming divisions are puny parts of Microsoft and Sony, however, Nintendo as a whole is only a videogame developer, they'd have nothing to fall back on.

except the billions in cash they made off wii and ds and 3ds. that should be a soft enough cushion.

I voted for Microsoft before I read your whole post :P But just for the gaming brand names, I think Nintendo would manage to do the best out of it.


so does this mean the company that have least trouble if gaming crashed should leave gaming industry first since it doesn't really mean much to them...?? 

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Train wreck said:
tuscaniman99 said:
Serious question? Microsoft is the only one that wouldn't be affected. Nintendo would be totally irrelevant and Sony would basically have to file bankruptcy. Playstation is Sony's last hope to survive.

So their movie studios +music, insurance, phone business (all of which have higher revenue than the gaming division which has shrunk mightly since the ps2 era) are just it.

Well since they are bleeding money, selling buildings to stay afloat and betting the horse on PS4 then yes they must be.

nintendo is easyly in the best spot, a gaming crash would hurt 3rd party developer most, and fps most, both arnt important for nintendo

I think the big thrid parties would be hurt the most, but of the three first parties:

Microsoft: a gaming crash would have little-to-none impact on them financially, but a crash would be enough to convince more investors to get MS out of the gaming sector altogether.

Nintendo: They've been surviving, adapting, and innovating since 1889. If anything, a crash could help usher in a renaissance for them.

Sony: Right now, Sony is in a very interesting spot. The PS4 may be off to a wonderful start, but the console's pending long term success/failure (for any reason) is going to have very little impact/consequence on what's happening to the company as a whole right now; their short/long term liabilities are more than that of Microsoft/Apple/EA/Google combined, and would need to sell off about 80% of their assets to break even. As of today, Nintendo has a higher market value than all of Sony.