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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official Lost Odyssey: A Thousand Years of Dreams thread

You know what i want the honor of making this thread, because for those of you that have read the stories you know it danm well deserves it.

In this thread i would like to talk about any of the following: everyones feelings about the stories, how much they add to the game, how it changes their perspective of Kaim, and their favorite story and how they felt after reading it.


My Take:

Im about at the end of disc 1 (just got to the funeral, very very sad ) and so far ive gotten a few stories. My favorite so far is "Letters from a weakling" and i have to say i cried in this one, ill admit it. I dont want to spoil things but how it touches on human weakness really touched me, it was a really good story on how people dont always fit in and how everyone possesses some sort of weakness and sometimes they need help. It shows how hard living forever has effected Kaim, its almost made him cold. Just because he is so strong from all those years of living does not mean everyone else is.

I would tell you how its related to my life but it might spoil it.


Well we can discuss and if people want we can discuss spoilers about the story but just let me know what you guys want to do.

Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!

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Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!

Bro, why spoil all the fun :P

I just bought the game Thursday and I'm at the part where Kaim is about to meet the council.

I quickly need to play this game again. I'm tied with this homework for college right now.

I think the dreams are a really deep, complimentary aspect of the game. They are brilliantly produced.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

yea they are they really show the pain of living forever
i used to want to never die....but this game has shown me otherwise

Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!

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since everyone is alot farther i hope...

Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!

i'm on the 4th disc... haven't played it in awhile because of university exams but i have to say i'm suprised this thread wasn't created a couple months ago.

the game itself is excellent, but the stories offer something different. i really like kaim's stories. off the top of my head i would have to say letter of the weakling is one of the best, also theres the travellers lodge one where he comes to see the little girl, and the story about the white flowers where he talks of one of his families, also the one about the retired general and the samll village is quite good.

i need to get back to it so i remind myself of all the stories

wii friend code: 3164-3458-9149-5470

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Man I still have to pickup this game, I've just been busy.

lost oddysee is great.

althogh i preferred the turn based system on blue dragon, where you could see all the turns and plan ahead.

but that said im enjoying this game so far, im on disc 3 and will log onto to it more when i get some spare time.


*gamble = what a cool majic to use all of the time

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

I need to hurry up and get through a few more games so I can start playing Lost Odessy. The more I hear about it the more epic it really sounds.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.
