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You know what i want the honor of making this thread, because for those of you that have read the stories you know it danm well deserves it.

In this thread i would like to talk about any of the following: everyones feelings about the stories, how much they add to the game, how it changes their perspective of Kaim, and their favorite story and how they felt after reading it.


My Take:

Im about at the end of disc 1 (just got to the funeral, very very sad ) and so far ive gotten a few stories. My favorite so far is "Letters from a weakling" and i have to say i cried in this one, ill admit it. I dont want to spoil things but how it touches on human weakness really touched me, it was a really good story on how people dont always fit in and how everyone possesses some sort of weakness and sometimes they need help. It shows how hard living forever has effected Kaim, its almost made him cold. Just because he is so strong from all those years of living does not mean everyone else is.

I would tell you how its related to my life but it might spoil it.


Well we can discuss and if people want we can discuss spoilers about the story but just let me know what you guys want to do.

Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!