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Forums - Politics Discussion - United States of America + Canada?


Should the two countries become one?

Yes - Canada should join the United States 52 17.39%
Yes - through an EU-styled agreement 42 14.05%
Yes - through some other means 3 1.00%
No - though I support fur... 109 36.45%
No - the two countries ar... 68 22.74%
Other/Not Sure 17 5.69%
HesAPooka said:
No, I don't want American corporations completely ruining what little good we have left.

Eh... if you feel like that... Obama is already dead set on making that happen anyway.


What with coporations empowered to challenge laws infront of an international tribunal.

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There is absolutely no reason for 2 successful nations to unite.

The only way there is for a peaceful union is for the smaller country to be bankrupt and the bigger one to be rich (and cultural/linguistic differences to be minimal - inhibitants of the smaller country have to accept the politics of the larger one as superior).

Actually, why doesn't the US take care of it's colonies first and stops treating them as second class citizens?

I dont want Canada to be integrated with the USA. How it is now is perfectly fine.
If that were the case Canada would then be apart of the USA massive debt, have an inferior health care system, and on top of that void our fire arm laws.

They shouldn't join when a lot of Americans are still ignorant about Canada. I just met a guy from California this past holiday (who's in their 20s) and thought Canada was just full of igloos and snow! He was surprised when he realized how "normal" Canada was. It's 2013/14! With the vast access of information that can be found, how are there still Americans that think about Canada like that?! Heck, a lot of Americans don't even know the capital of Canada either.

Besides, if they joined, then that would ruin half of the American jokes; late night shows freakin' love Rob Ford lol

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I will say one thing on this topic, border control needs to go back to pre 2009 days, where you didn't have the TSA and forced passport requirement to cross a border, namely when Canadians and Americans travel a lot back and forth.


Hell no, where will we americans go once america is a 3rd world country thanks to progressive bullshit?


LiquorandGunFun said:
Hell no, where will we americans go once america is a 3rd world country thanks to progressive bullshit?

New Republic of California?


Acevil said:
LiquorandGunFun said:
Hell no, where will we americans go once america is a 3rd world country thanks to progressive bullshit?

New Republic of California?

LOL  thanks for the laugh.


LiquorandGunFun said:
Hell no, where will we americans go once america is a 3rd world country thanks to progressive bullshit?

Because we all know that gun control, religious tolerance, gay marriage, birth control, and the rights to privacy, health care, education, clean water, clean air, and low cost, high speed internet and rail are the hallmarks of third-world countries.