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Forums - Politics Discussion - United States of America + Canada?


Should the two countries become one?

Yes - Canada should join the United States 52 17.39%
Yes - through an EU-styled agreement 42 14.05%
Yes - through some other means 3 1.00%
No - though I support fur... 109 36.45%
No - the two countries ar... 68 22.74%
Other/Not Sure 17 5.69%
Marks said:
No, please no. I don't want things like the NSA, FBI, TSA, etc. in Canada if we joined countries.



Similar agencies in both countries I am afraid.

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allenmaher said:
Speaking as a Canadian, I am 100% opposed to any union or annexation into the US. While on the surface the two countries may seem similar there are very profound differences. For one, not all of Canada is English speaking, we have two official languages French and English, which would not likely be carried forward into any sort of union of Canada and the US. This would further exacerbate Quebec tensions and lead to further independence talk. While some parts of Canada would blend in rather seamlessly, such as the prairie provinces, other regions would not find the transition easy, or to their liking. Ontario was settled by United Empire Loyalists the disaffected and displaced of the American revolution, and tends toward anti-Americanism. The east coast provinces have more in common with UK culture than american culture.

Americans would also not likely welcome 10 new states that in american political terms would give the Democrats a virtual lock on the senate and shift the balance of power in the house perpetually in the democrats favour (80% of Canadians would vote democrat in a two party system if they had to choose when asked in a survey). Gay marriage is legal here and has been for a decade, prostitution laws were recently struck down, and women have the right to go topless. The current conservative government is in their last term in office following which decriminalization of marijuana is almost assured as well as many other liberal reforms that would unnerve much of the US. Then take into account universal health care, well funded public schools, gun control, and other differences that most of the US is not prepared to deal with.

The US is great, I have travelled and worked in most of the continental US over the years. A very friendly people almost without exception... but I think we are better off as friends and neighbours. Do you really want a country with an officially socialist official opposition party (the party that got the second most votes in the last election, yes I am a member of that party) as part of your political milieux?

You forget about Lousianna.  French territory that integrated into the US without a problem.  The French in Lousianna just said "Fuck it!" and created Creole.  Possibly just to spite the English speaking American's.  "You want us to speak English?  No.  We'll speak English and French together at the same time."  If you only know English, you won't understand it.  If you sort of know French, you won't get it.  If you only know French, you too won't understand, but you'll understand more than those English.

As well, we have communities of Amish (Germans) across the country that live in relative isolation speaking only German.  We buy up Amish stuff like crazy all the time.  Amish goods are a cottage industry.  Heck, if you believe the bullshit marketing by some companies, they're even responsible for making super fancy electric space heaters.

So, despite displacing and killing off thousands of Native Americans, I'm sure if the US and Canada integrated together, millions of French Canadians would have nothing to fear.  I mean, how fertile is Quebec anyway?  How long is the growing season?  Are the French Canadian's absolutely opposed to moving to Alberta?  I hear it's a wonderful place to live visit in the Summer.

allenmaher said:
Marks said:
No, please no. I don't want things like the NSA, FBI, TSA, etc. in Canada if we joined countries.



Similar agencies in both countries I am afraid.

That's the funny thing about European's on Reddit suggesting they wouldn't want to move to/live in the US.  Sure, you don't have the "NSA", the "FBI", or "CIA", but your country does have it's own services that do the same work the US agencies do, and they do spy on their citizens. 

Likewise, countries like Germany being "upset" to find out that the US has been spying on them have been doing the same thing for decades.  Allies spy on each other and they know they're spying on each other.  What typically attracts attention are when spies get sloppy about something or get caught dipping their fingers into too sensitive of information. 

Israel has been one of the worst spying offenders, especially here in the US.  While Russian spies get all the notoriety, back in the 1980's and 1990's the US tried and convicted or returned several Israeli spies.  It got to the point where you couldn't tell who was our friend or foe because the Israelis were doing so much spying, and worse during a Isreali favorable administration.

Viltgance said:
For the record im Canadian and have alot of American friends and love the U.S.A.
I say no though cause i don't want the NSA spying on me ;)

What, do you think the NSA doesn't spy on Canadians?

That's hilarious.

That would make the Queen the Monarch over the us to AHAH

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Before they do that they gonna make a new north American currency and call it the Amero.

CPU: Ryzen 7950X
Motherboard: MSI MEG X670E GODLIKE
SSD: Kingston FURY Renegade 4TB
Gaming Console: PLAYSTATION 5

i know we are supposed to limit .gif responses but i think this pretty much sums my opinion up..


I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz

No... I'm Canadian and this should never happen.

Oliver4p1 said:
That would make the Queen the Monarch over the us to AHAH

I'm not sure that's how it works.

Realistically, it seems like everybody's complaint here aren't cultural but are silly legal issues that could be resolved with hard work and focused dialogue.  Why couldn't Canada keep its gun laws?  Why not keep Canada's health care system in place?  The negatives can be resolved.

Or we can focus on creating the positives without integrating entirely.  There are so many possibilities - before we discount the idea, we must look at it positively, with an understanding that the combined will of the Canadian and American peoples is capable of overcoming our differences while creating a stronger partnership, even a union!

What, do you worry about the French people of Quebec?  There is no official U.S. language - they would be fine. Or is it our strong spying programs? Join us, help us eliminate them. Is it because you think your socialist attitudes won't fit into the United States? - but there are plenty of socialists living here right now. Besides, the United States prides itself on being multicultural - you'd fit in and then start dragging the country your way. Do you think Canada's influence would diminish? On the contrary! The U.S.' influence would be greatly increased, and Canada would be a major part of U.S. politics now! Or what, do you think your Canadian identity would fade? Tell that to the Texans! Tell that to the Southerners! Tell that to Midwesterners, to New Yorkers, the Californians!

But the benefits of further integration are stark.  Our economies are already very integrated - let's eliminate further barriers. Why should I need a visa to work in Canada? Why should a Canadian need a visa to work here? Why can't I move to Toronto as easily as I can move to New York? And why should we have separate militaries? Wouldn't we be better off with a common defense?  And wouldn't Canadians like a seat in the halls of the most powerful nation, to help steer its policy in the 21st century? Wouldn't you rather influence the United States government rather than - be influenced and coerced by it?

ktay95 said:
NolSinkler said:

For your reference I am a U.S. citizen. A Michigander, actually - sort of a 'lite Canadian'.

Canada and the United States are very similar - sharing the world's longest border, similar institutions, a long history of mutual friendship, one of the world's most important trade relationships, participation in the same alliances and international organizations, mutually agreed upon goals, and more.  Isn't it time that the two nations become one, or at the very least, work steadily toward further integration?  I can't think of another two countries more similar than we are.  Why the border?  Why make it difficult for Canadians to work in the United States, or for Americans to work in Canada?  Why not maintain a common military?  Why not commit ourselves to work together in solving the great issues of our time?

Here's the only website I know of supporting this issue:

What do you think?  Should the two nations finally become one? Should they remain separate - and why? Is further integration desirable?  What could be gained by remaining separate - or through further efforts toward integration?



/edit: here's a (relatively) recent article about just this issue:

Australia and New Zealand would probs trumps you on that one. Our only difference to you is the lack of border, but that never stopped us accepting those retarded Taswegians

You got it backwards , we  Taswegians accepted you mainlanders being the magnanimous people we are , regarding the kiwis who needs a border when your seperated by a ditch .

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot