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allenmaher said:
Marks said:
No, please no. I don't want things like the NSA, FBI, TSA, etc. in Canada if we joined countries.



Similar agencies in both countries I am afraid.

That's the funny thing about European's on Reddit suggesting they wouldn't want to move to/live in the US.  Sure, you don't have the "NSA", the "FBI", or "CIA", but your country does have it's own services that do the same work the US agencies do, and they do spy on their citizens. 

Likewise, countries like Germany being "upset" to find out that the US has been spying on them have been doing the same thing for decades.  Allies spy on each other and they know they're spying on each other.  What typically attracts attention are when spies get sloppy about something or get caught dipping their fingers into too sensitive of information. 

Israel has been one of the worst spying offenders, especially here in the US.  While Russian spies get all the notoriety, back in the 1980's and 1990's the US tried and convicted or returned several Israeli spies.  It got to the point where you couldn't tell who was our friend or foe because the Israelis were doing so much spying, and worse during a Isreali favorable administration.