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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS4 starts dominating - outsells WiiU and X1 combined (Read OP, please)

thismeintiel said:
CDiablo said:

Im going to get a lot of flack for this but I think the numbers are wayyy off. Sony said they would have 3 million PS4s sold(to retailers and therefore customers) by years end. At this pace they are looking to do 3.7 maybe 4. Sony wouldnt be so far off of their estimates and I havent heard them change. Not sure about other numbers but they could very well be just as far off.

No, Jack Tretton was asked if he felt they could meet analysts' goal of 3M shipped til the end of the year.  He said he was very confident that they could.  The only forcast Sony gave was 5M for the fiscal year, and was probably a lowballed number so they could announce a larger one.  If things keep up the way they are, they will probably ship 6M-7M.

I dont know any company that lowballs its numbers, investors dont care for that kind of stuff. Saying that kind of stuff can lead to alligations of stock manipulation and whatnot. You are right about the 3 million being another companies estimate. Guess we really wont know until the fiscal year end.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

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As we saw with PS2 domination in US against Xbox/Cube and the transition to PS3/360/Wii gen ; The previous gen has little bearing on what will follow especially in the US. People said UK/NA was Xbox territory. Quite a different picture we are seeing now.

riecsou said:

So if 3DS & PS4 are competing against each other does that mean that 3DS and Wii-U are competing too???

Yes they do. That's actually a big reason as to why I believe Wii U is selling so poorly. It's only my opinion but in the past people buying Nintendo HH's had to buy their consoles too because they were so advanced when compared to the GB / GBA / DS releases. The 3DS is advanced enough to handle games similar enough to the Wii U that buying a Wii U at this point isn't needed. The Wii U currently only has 3 big sellers and...

3D World = 3D Land


Zelda TWW HD = Zelda OOT 3D


it'll probably change later but for now...3DS is damaging the Wii U.

Anyway, it doesn't matter. I didn't bring the 3DS into the discussion, someone else did. I simply stated that I feel the HH & Console markets do overlap and can be compared. The PS4 was just released so is it fair? Not really. I was just saying in general, we should be able to compare them. In lifetime sales for example. I never said now...

Holy crap at those Wii U sales! You go, girl!

Cobretti2 said:
Bu like you always claim this site undertracked and overtracked so how can this thread even be valid by your standards?

Oh wait it suits your agenda so now you have no problems.

Pezus probably still believes the 3DS, Wii U, PS3, and X360 are still overtracked. PS4 is hard telling, because it's stock issues. Xbox One might be undertracked in US.

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CDiablo said:
thismeintiel said:
CDiablo said:

Im going to get a lot of flack for this but I think the numbers are wayyy off. Sony said they would have 3 million PS4s sold(to retailers and therefore customers) by years end. At this pace they are looking to do 3.7 maybe 4. Sony wouldnt be so far off of their estimates and I havent heard them change. Not sure about other numbers but they could very well be just as far off.

No, Jack Tretton was asked if he felt they could meet analysts' goal of 3M shipped til the end of the year.  He said he was very confident that they could.  The only forcast Sony gave was 5M for the fiscal year, and was probably a lowballed number so they could announce a larger one.  If things keep up the way they are, they will probably ship 6M-7M.

I dont know any company that lowballs its numbers, investors dont care for that kind of stuff. Saying that kind of stuff can lead to alligations of stock manipulation and whatnot. You are right about the 3 million being another companies estimate. Guess we really wont know until the fiscal year end.

Sony made a prediction for sales a little over ONE MONTH. What the hell has that got to do with stock manipulation? Who the hell can blame someone for a month's sales prediction?

It was NOT for the fiscal year.

justinian said:
CDiablo said:

I dont know any company that lowballs its numbers, investors dont care for that kind of stuff. Saying that kind of stuff can lead to alligations of stock manipulation and whatnot. You are right about the 3 million being another companies estimate. Guess we really wont know until the fiscal year end.

Sony made a prediction for sales a little over ONE MONTH. What the hell has that got to do with stock manipulation? Who the hell can blame someone for a month's sales prediction?

It was NOT for the fiscal year.

Was about to say something similar.  Yea, it's not manipulating if they are just giving a ballpark number that is a realistic goal.  If they miss it, investors will be disappionted.  If they exceed it, investors will be happy, and maybe more will come on board.  I mean, its not like they are saying they plan to ship 2 million consoles and BAM, "Well, looks like we shipped 15M!"

S.T.A.G.E. said:

Yeah, the 3DS is a handheld which can be purchased for less than $200. Of course its going to be easier to pick up. Even i was contemplating buying one just because it was so cheap. It shouldnt be compared to main consols though.

At this point, you should say the opposite: don't compare the main consoles with the 3DS. It is a monster. No contest here =)

I'm not going to comment on the balance of consoles (because it's launch period, we don't know how things will go once they settled, and I don't care to argue over my personal prediction). But for those who keep shouting "overtracked" and "undertracked", I'm going to point something out.

ioi doesn't have reference data to "correct" for Xbox One and PS4 sales biases relative to his sample, yet. As such, those are the untrustworthy numbers. But this doesn't help you to identify undertracked or overtracked - all it does is indicate they could be tracked incorrectly. And none of you have any solid information that will allow you to determine whether they're undertracked or overtracked, because neither Sony nor MS releases shipping numbers in December. The "fact" that the PS4 is "always sold out" does not prove anything about undertracking or overtracking without knowing shipment numbers.

So if you're being honest and reasonable, you can either accept the numbers as they are, or you can dismiss the numbers as probably inaccurate... but if you do the latter, you don't get to argue that they're overtracked or undertracked, only that they might not be tracked correctly. You certainly don't get to argue that they're doing better or worse than VGChartz numbers suggest based on your personal beliefs about the systems themselves.

FrancisNobleman said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Yeah, the 3DS is a handheld which can be purchased for less than $200. Of course its going to be easier to pick up. Even i was contemplating buying one just because it was so cheap. It shouldnt be compared to main consols though.

At this point, you should say the opposite: don't compare the main consoles with the 3DS. It is a monster. No contest here =)

It doesn't matter what it sells. The only thing that can be compared to portables is mobile gaming, which is actually causing casuals not to look to Nintendo. Nintendo maintains that the price is worth it if they want well made games.