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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS4 starts dominating - outsells WiiU and X1 combined (Read OP, please)

Those Xbox One European sales seem low, and I hope these PS4 numbers are true, but I'm afraid it might be over tracked, because if not than Sony will completely destroy their 5m projection.

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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riecsou said:
Dream_While_Awake said:

Cheebee said:

Ah, but they do. Only on forums such as this they sometimes don't when it's closemindedly convenient, but in reality they do, very much.

You can claim they're not in competition until you're blue in the face - they compete on the only front that matters in the end: for the money and time consumers are willing to spend on such entertainment, and that's a simple truth and fact, whether anyone likes it or not. There's just no way around it. Tablets and smartphones compete with handhelds and consoles for that matter, too, and are destroying all of them in sales.

I agree. Anything entertainment wise and esspecially other means of gaming are in competition for the consumers money. I'm glad somebody else realizes this.

3DS & PS4 do compete with each other.

So if 3DS & PS4 are competing against each other does that mean that 3DS and Wii-U are competing too???


Yes but companies don't mind when they cannabalized sales from themselves. They keep the money either way then.

softcoregamer82 said:
Areym said:
They would try to change the subject to the 3DS's monster sales.

Cause Sony fans don't try to change the subject away from Vita sales or be very selective in what news they want to discuss.  They don't create a thread to gloat about the Vita outselling the One and Wii U in Europe, ignoring the fact that worldwide the Vita was outsold about two times by those consoles and worldwide it sold not much more than the long dead Wii.  Oh wait, they do...

That's a stupid argument. "Well, X does this so we should do it too." If that's the case, then these people are just stepping to our low which don't make them any better than us. If you wanna stoop to our fanboyish ways, then by all means.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

Im going to get a lot of flack for this but I think the numbers are wayyy off. Sony said they would have 3 million PS4s sold(to retailers and therefore customers) by years end. At this pace they are looking to do 3.7 maybe 4. Sony wouldnt be so far off of their estimates and I havent heard them change. Not sure about other numbers but they could very well be just as far off.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

el_gallo said:
riecsou said:
Dream_While_Awake said:

I agree. Anything entertainment wise and esspecially other means of gaming are in competition for the consumers money. I'm glad somebody else realizes this.

3DS & PS4 do compete with each other.

So if 3DS & PS4 are competing against each other does that mean that 3DS and Wii-U are competing too???


Yes but companies don't mind when they cannabalized sales from themselves. They keep the money either way then.

Wow then the 3DS is destroying the Wii-U right?? smh

Around the Network
el_gallo said:
riecsou said:
Dream_While_Awake said:

Cheebee said:

Ah, but they do. Only on forums such as this they sometimes don't when it's closemindedly convenient, but in reality they do, very much.

You can claim they're not in competition until you're blue in the face - they compete on the only front that matters in the end: for the money and time consumers are willing to spend on such entertainment, and that's a simple truth and fact, whether anyone likes it or not. There's just no way around it. Tablets and smartphones compete with handhelds and consoles for that matter, too, and are destroying all of them in sales.

I agree. Anything entertainment wise and esspecially other means of gaming are in competition for the consumers money. I'm glad somebody else realizes this.

3DS & PS4 do compete with each other.

So if 3DS & PS4 are competing against each other does that mean that 3DS and Wii-U are competing too???


Yes but companies don't mind when they cannabalized sales from themselves. They keep the money either way then.

Companies do mind about canibalization, and that is why they have limited products on sale.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

brute said:
Those Xbox One European sales seem low, and I hope these PS4 numbers are true, but I'm afraid it might be over tracked, because if not than Sony will completely destroy their 5m projection.

I think they're probably overtracked, too.  We already had someone from Sony UK state that Sony was focusing the majority of its supply in the US, so at least 60% of the sales should be coming from there.  And given the Xbox One's low sales in France and Spain, even during its launch weeks, I would imagine its numbers are pretty spot on.  MS has got an extremely tough uphill battle if it wants to make any kind of footprint in EU.

CDiablo said:

Im going to get a lot of flack for this but I think the numbers are wayyy off. Sony said they would have 3 million PS4s sold(to retailers and therefore customers) by years end. At this pace they are looking to do 3.7 maybe 4. Sony wouldnt be so far off of their estimates and I havent heard them change. Not sure about other numbers but they could very well be just as far off.

That was not an offcial statement from Sony

So I guess since were counting the portable console sales against the home console sales then I guess we have to count the Sales of Tablets Smartphones and PC's, cuz you know they all play video games. And with that logic then Samsung, Mac and HP are winning the gaming markets because there were more phones tablets and PC's sold then all of those gaming consoles.
So yeah people that's Logic for ya

CDiablo said:

Im going to get a lot of flack for this but I think the numbers are wayyy off. Sony said they would have 3 million PS4s sold(to retailers and therefore customers) by years end. At this pace they are looking to do 3.7 maybe 4. Sony wouldnt be so far off of their estimates and I havent heard them change. Not sure about other numbers but they could very well be just as far off.

No, Jack Tretton was asked if he felt they could meet analysts' goal of 3M shipped til the end of the year.  He said he was very confident that they could.  The only forcast Sony gave was 5M for the fiscal year, and was probably a lowballed number so they could announce a larger one.  If things keep up the way they are, they will probably ship 6M-7M.