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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Somebody calm me down (I'm ****ing pissed)

This thread just made me go boot up the 'cube, and smile at my 100% BK Origins file.

Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

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Soriku said:
DarkNight_DS said:
I cleared it 100% Soriku! You must not be that good at the game! ;)

BTW... That's the first time I've ever said "DAMN" while looking at her... now I see what all the fuss is about LOL.


No, I ran into a missable X_X @tk Thanks @riot Pics nao.

 Actually I was kidding Soriku.  It's one of the games I own that I never played more then 30 minutes of.  I'll have to play it through sometime.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

My brother erased my Disgaea and Vagrant Story archived save files from my PS2 card because I ate his sandwich.

...Uber Prinny Baal down, and Riskbreaker rank obtained.

Your pain is that of a dying man, over soon. Mine is that of an immortal, and shall be forever with my immortal soul.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


famousringo said:
*walks into thread and shoots Soriku with a horse tranquilizer*

Well, I guess my work here is done.

*saunters off*



Soriku, I didn't play very much of BK, and when I did it was about a year ago, but does the game allow multiple save files for the same playthrough? If not, I feel for you. If it does, then I must ask you the same question I always ask my friend who never uses miltiple saves...why not? 

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."

BTW Soriku, how is the Xenogears search going? You promised you'd beat any RPG we threw at you....!

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

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OH hellllll!!!!!
I understand you so well my little poor Soriku,the same thing happens to me a couple of times,the first when I was playing FFVIII and I was making my perfect game,for ONE DAMN CARD that I miss my nearly 100 hours of playing frustration reach the sky,I did not even spare to nowadays,I don't even touch the game since then,even if I LOVE the game(my third favorite FF).
The second time happens to me when I'm making my 100% game at once in FFX-2 and dammmmnnnnn!!!!just for don't see a fu%&ing thing in the chocobo's barn part,all my efforts go to the trash can,anyone who has played the game knows how difficult it is to get everything on one single game,this frustrates me to hell,and I abandoned the game.I can make the percent just starting other game in the same file,but I was exhausted.
But that's not all,the worst thing that ever happen to me was in Tomb Raider 4,my God,that event frame my gaming life,I was at level 46,"the temple of Horus" and I got every secret in the game without help from any guide,I felt happy and very proud of myself,the level had multiple ramps towards precipices, if you don't make your jumps with caution you can slide in one of these and a certain death,well,my Grandma call me when I was saving my game,near of one of the damn ramps,I turn around to ask what she wants,an instant was enough to send my 30 hours of game and of my life(I play the games so wisely to the end,hardcore to die,hate see any guides) to hell,dumb of me in the moment I turn to see my grandma I quit the pause and my Lara Croft slide to one ramp,then without notice it I pause the game,and save it.I remember cry for despair when every time I load my game it was only to die.I sold the game and never end it.
Hopes my experiences comfort you a little,knowing that this bad stuff can happen to anyone.Cheer up Soriku.


That's just bad game design.

I've always wondered if you could save your game during the text after you lose a trial in Phoenix Wright. It would be stupid, but you would have to start the longass chapter over again,a nd though PW is fantastic, replaying a whole chapter....well, it's godaweful once you've beat it already.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.



have u check gamefaq to be sure this item is REALLY needed ?

Time to Work !

here ya go

now how can you be mad


Soriku said:
tiachopvutru said:
Not being able to finish a game is probably frustrating, but isn't it a bit lame to be pissed off because you can't finish 100%? O_o;;

This thread makes me question the purpose of gaming...


I'm SO hardcore.

don't be a poser, stick to easy stuff like KH