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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Lost an Estimated $975 Million to Piracy in '07

ferret1603 said:
Figures like this are such nonsense. There is no way their loss can be quantified because there's no way of knowing how many people would actually have bought legal copies if pirated ones weren't available.

 This is so true, I'm tired of these abusrd figures. I know of people who'd buy a system only because they could pirate software, then they'd pirate every game known to mankind just because they could. So you could suggest they lost 1,000s of dollars because of this one person when in actuality they really lost no legitamate money. Also this doesn't figure in  the money they gained because of piracy, yes they actually make money of pirating too. For example. A kid might buy a 360 only because he knows he can pirate games for it. But he buys an extra controller, x-box live service, and lets say he buys the legitamte versions of games like halo 3 and cod4 because he don't want trouble with it working online. in this case the piracy actually made them money because it provided an incentive the customer required to purchase the system. I'm not trying to say piracy is good, just that the argument needs to gain more perspective, on what's actually going on. And for the record I don't pirate, I've bought more games then anyone I know. Although people legally just buying used games, borrowing games from friends, and renting games from the video stores are hurting the industry just as much as this money while supporting a group of businesses doesn't actually provide revenue toward the developer or publisher, meaning it doesn't reward the ones doing the creating.

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Too funny. Microsoft with their OS or Office applications anyone?
This is pure BS.

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fooflexible said:
ferret1603 said:
Figures like this are such nonsense. There is no way their loss can be quantified because there's no way of knowing how many people would actually have bought legal copies if pirated ones weren't available.

This is so true, I'm tired of these abusrd figures. I know of people who'd buy a system only because they could pirate software, then they'd pirate every game known to mankind just because they could. So you could suggest they lost 1,000s of dollars because of this one person when in actuality they really lost no legitamate money. Also this doesn't figure in the money they gained because of piracy, yes they actually make money of pirating too. For example. A kid might buy a 360 only because he knows he can pirate games for it. But he buys an extra controller, x-box live service, and lets say he buys the legitamte versions of games like halo 3 and cod4 because he don't want trouble with it working online. in this case the piracy actually made them money because it provided an incentive the customer required to purchase the system. I'm not trying to say piracy is good, just that the argument needs to gain more perspective, on what's actually going on. And for the record I don't pirate, I've bought more games then anyone I know. Although people legally just buying used games, borrowing games from friends, and renting games from the video stores are hurting the industry just as much as this money while supporting a group of businesses doesn't actually provide revenue toward the developer or publisher, meaning it doesn't reward the ones doing the creating.


Exactly. I mainly buy second hand games so I would never condemn someone who chooses to pirate games. Neither hurts the industry any more or less than the other.

I really hate it when people rant about how evil pirates are. If you want to buy brand new high price games then go do it but don't tell other people what to do. Not everyone can afford it and plenty of others just wouldn't play games at all if it wasn't for piracy, which would be worse for the industry than the current situation because hardware sales would plummet, particularly in lesser developed countries.


wow i hate piracy i think if you don't pay for it you shouldn't play games because it threatens the future of the business

i dont think they lost that much on piracy

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Around the Network matter what they do....the pirates will always be one stop ahead - esp. in China. Have u see the Vii?

xstonexcold316x said:
wow i hate piracy i think if you don't pay for it you shouldn't play games because it threatens the future of the business

How does it threaten the business anymore than buying second hand games?

If person A buys a DS and 4 second hand games then Nintendo only makes money on the DS. If person B buys a DS and only plays ROMs on an R4 then Nintendo also only makes money on the DS. Seriously, please explain to me how piracy damages the industry any more than buying second hand games? Or renting for that matter.


Is this piracy as in intellectual copyright infringement or is this piracy as in counterfeit goods? There's quite a distinct difference and the word piracy's usage are getting almost as ridiculous wide application as certain other words "t...s" now a day.


Edit: And yeah, the losses are unqunatifiable if it is the first, the 2nd one, however... 

I am a PC gamer, and also have a NDS now, but without access to a Nintendo Wii until End of 2007.

Currently playing: Super Smash Brothers Brawl(Wii), Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer(DS), Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime (DS), WiiFit(Wii)

Games Recently Beaten: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King (Normal; Very Hard after the next DLCs become available)

1 word: RTFA

They're losing more money to GAMESTOP each year than piracy.

You have to figure that Gamestop, on average, resells the same copy of "Nintendo Game X" 7-10 times while Nintendo only gets a piece of that money once.

These lesser-developed countries probably wouldn't have people buying these games for retail prices anyway, but the people who buy used games from Gamestop would more than likely pay full price if they had no other choice.

"I mean, c'mon, Viva Pinata, a game with massive marketing, didn't sell worth a damn to the "sophisticated" 360 audience, despite near-universal praise--is that a sign that 360 owners are a bunch of casual ignoramuses that can't get their heads around a 'gardening' sim? Of course not. So let's please stop trying to micro-analyze one game out of hundreds and using it as the poster child for why good, non-1st party, games can't sell on Wii. (Everyone frequenting this site knows this is nonsense, and yet some of you just can't let it go because it's the only scab you have left to pick at after all your other "Wii will phail1!!1" straw men arguments have been put to the torch.)" - exindguy on Boom Blocks

Nintendo would like me because normally I buy all the games on their systems new. Don't know why just usually find them new for pretty cheap(such as my recent umbrella chronicles and zack and wiki purchases).

Sony would hate me with a passion though. Having owned a ps2 since a month after it's launch I bought 2 of my probably 40 games new the rest all used.