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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why is no one complaining about paying for PSN?

d21lewis said:
Look, a lot of things have changed now. Just let it go.

-It was "You can't play sales", "I guess Justin Bieber is the best singer in the world, huh?". Now, with home consoles breaking records, sales are extremely important.

-Performance wasn't an issue before if the games were virtually identical. Now, if a game is less HD than another, it's crap .

-Mandatory installs and incredibly long updates were tolerable. Now, waiting 10 minutes for a game to install will kill you.

-It didn't matter which controller was best, as long as the controller was good enough for the games YOU wanted to play. Now, if you're playing with anything less than the best controller (as voted by most gaming sites, you're a loser.

-Paying an annual fee for online gaming was damn near criminal. How can any company hold half the game YOU PAID FOR hostage unless you paid an annual fee? Now, it's okay.

-Gay marriage was frowned up. Now, it's legal.

-Digital games "didn't count". Now, they're just as important as retail titles.

I hope you've learned something. These are different times and different rules will apply.

This man knows what's up!

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Euphoria14 said:

I cancel.

No, you give up!

Right now I am mostly gaming on PS3, Vita, and PC (might do some more 3DS as well).

Not really compelled to get a Wii U or PS4 with all the games I have right now.

And, I have a personal policy of no online subscriptions, so that is that.

Wright said:
Euphoria14 said:

I cancel.

No, you give up!

Technically, yes, I do give up. I do not continue a service if they begin reducing value.


When I am paying for a service I expect it to continue to expand and get better, not get worse.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


Got a retro room? Post it here!

Wright said:
Captain_Tom said:
 It gives you everything Xbox Live does except:

-The games you get are worth playing and aren't insanely old

Let me give you the list of games Ps+ gave when it started:



North America
  Game Date added  
1 Wipeout HD June 29, 2010 [3]
2 Critter Crunch July 27, 2010 [4]
3 Mushroom Wars August 24, 2010 [5]
4 Zen Pinball September 21, 2010 [6]
5 Burn Zombie Burn October 19, 2010 [7]
6 Shatter November 16, 2010 [8]
7 Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves December 7, 2010 [9]
8 Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse (episodes 1–5) December 14, 2010
PAL regions
  Game Date added  
1 Wipeout HD June 29, 2010 [10]
2 Zen Pinball August 4, 2010 [11]
3 Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse (episodes 1–5) September 1, 2010 [12]
4 Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix October 6, 2010 [13]
5 Critter Crunch November 3, 2010 [14]
6 Cuboid December 1, 2010 [15]
7 Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves December 7, 2010 [16]


Are you disrespecting Critter Crunch?

Because if you are, you have made a very powerless enemy this day.

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"Free" games, discounted prices, early access to betas/demos.

I was disappointed that PS+ is now required for online multiplayer but frankly, I got over it. For $50 a year (or $10 a month which is outrageous) you get a good amount of value out of a PS+ subscription, more than just multiplayer access. I am also not a big multiplayer player so I can survive dropping PS+ for a long time if I need to/want to.

I was one of the people banking on MS for charging online, now I got nothing to say. I probably should have kept my mouth shut but in the end, PS+ adds alot of value to my PS4, PS3 and PSVita (soon to come)

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

Because I've been paying for PS+ since it became available. Why would I complain now?

I am the Playstation Avenger.


i'm not complaining because I already have ps+ for more than a year.
So yeh.. no big deal for me

Pretty simple really: Free games! Lots of games are included in PS+ for PS4 and PS3 and Vita included for 5 bucks a month.

My 8th gen collection

d21lewis said:
Cj2i3 said:
I am upset that I have to pay for XBL to play online for the 360 and Xbone and I am also irate that I have to pay for PS+ to play online for PS4. With that said at least PS+ is throwing in games like Grid 2, Binary Domain, Resogun where with XBL I get fucking Kingdom of Keflings or some crap like that.

Goddammit. Say one more bad thing about Kingdom of Keflings and so help me, I will find you.

Alright man take it easy... take it easy.