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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I am not a Nintendo fanboy

I already came to that conclusion when you were one of the very few being level headed when discussing WiiU and Vita sales.

...Although you have made some pretty odd statements when it comes to the WiiU.

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No comment....

You dislike Majora's Mask....and Wind Waker....

My two favorite Zelda's....

You hate Smash Bros....


JK, myself I hate Twilight Princess and the Oracle titles. I also hate Smash Bros 64 and Brawl. I know I look like a big Nintendo fan (which I am) but I'm not a fanboy. Just because you constantly praise a company or their software doesn't make you one. People who throw that word around more or less have no idea what their talking about .-.

You're not a Ninty fanboy? How could you do this to us? All that expectations... GONE!

curl-6 said:

- I hate, hate, HATE Smash Bros. All of them.

This statement should be banworthy >:{

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I'm pretty sure I'm a Nintendo Fanboy.

1. I'm a big fan.
2. I want Playstation and Xbox to lose.
3. I take my revenge on individuals that insult Wii U and Gamecube.

But I'm not an asshole. I don't ruin Playstation and Xbox fan's moods with annoying bad news. I don't rub negative things in ppl's faces (unless it's to an annoying individual).

dude you can't love Mario without being a fan boy that is the rules of teh internets! you're not even allowed to defend them when you think they are doing the right thing without being a fan boy. you must either be neutral or a doom sayer

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

You're not fooling anyone Curl, embrace the fanboy in you!

The most insecure BS I have had the displeasure of reading on the Internet ever. This OP.

Things that need to die in 2016: Defeatist attitudes of Nintendo fans

Im a Nintendo fanboy, they are the best in the business. They do the good things better than everybody else and they even fuck up better than anybody else. You get one hell of a ride with Nintendo.