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Forums - Sales Discussion - Prediction: PS3 will not outsell 360 in Americas

The best PS3 can possibly get in NA is tied. I doubt even that.

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

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This is really not so much a prediction as it is a state of facts. WW though, there's not much MS can do, lowering the price didn't work fantastically last gen. They need a new image, and its coming...
I had a dream a few days ago that the next box would be called "X-box Fusion" and that you could pick out certain parts yourself, thus partaining in the process and deciding a little yourself how much it would cost you.
May be stupid, it was just a dream, but it seemed like a decent idea right then and there...

If Sony can improve the PS3s image MS can improve the 360s. especially since the thing is flying off of shelves even in light of the red ring issue.

Really im happy with where each console is, PS3 i think it may stay 3rd this gen, but is going to carve out a nice place, if you look at it as a HD media system and the bluray its already a winner,.

360 is a software monster and should keep 3rd partys happy

The Wii is Godzilla in console form

Mummelmann said:
This is really not so much a prediction as it is a state of facts. WW though, there's not much MS can do, lowering the price didn't work fantastically last gen. They need a new image, and its coming...
I had a dream a few days ago that the next box would be called "X-box Fusion" and that you could pick out certain parts yourself, thus partaining in the process and deciding a little yourself how much it would cost you.
May be stupid, it was just a dream, but it seemed like a decent idea right then and there...

For people like us the idea is ok but most would argue it is too much like a PC then.


On Topic: It's going to take something amazing for the PS3 to catch/pass the 360 in NA. They still haven't decisively won the battle in Others yet. 

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


One of the safer predictions I've seen. I don't understand why so many posters are getting up in arms over this thread.

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The ps3 may start outselling the 360 at some point, but it will never catch up in sales by the end of the generation.

Worldwide, however, is an entirely different matter.

PS3 has all the potential to start outsellling the 360 in weekly sales, if the game line up lives to expectations, but once that happens and as long as it is maintained, it will take quite a while to overtake the total 360 sales in the Americas. Just look how long it will have to take for the Wii to overcome it. So I would say that PS3 won't overtake the 360 in total Americas sales this year even in the best case scenario.

Now WW is another matter. My guess is that MS knew that and only counts in Americas sales to sustain the console business.

Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

"¿Por qué justo a mí tenía que tocarme ser yo?"

No one ever concentrates on WHY a particular console is selling more. The 360 is winning in NA because
#1 Halo 3(huge AAA game)
#2 Price
#3 Bad ports to PS3
#4 XBL

Its not selling well, just better while the PS3 has identity issues. By midyear 1,3, and 4 will have been cancelled out by the PS3 with alternatives, and possibly #2 as well. Sony has brand name, bigger AAA titles, Blu-ray in its favor. Its also more powerful, according to developers, so well see things the Xbox can't do. Maybe the Xbox has pretty colors and sharper edges, but that only matters to nerds who are seeking things to hold against the PS3.

The only two games that you can say "move consoles" are Gears of War and Halo 3.
Mass Effect and Bioshock both only sold 1.5 million, compared to the "failure" that is Uncharted, which has sold nearly 1.2 million, and still outsells both WW.

The PS3 at $299 will be near PS2 numbers, while the 360 has proven that most people just aren't interested outside of Halo. Which is why it will finish in 3rd place in every region.

In the ~65 weeks of its existence, the PS3 has outsold the 360 in exactly three of them.

The PS3 is going to have a hell of a time ever catching the 360 in America. If it does, it will be post-2011 and MS will have released a new console by that time.

To think otherwise is madness, really. Multiple SKUs, price reductions, model shifting, nothing has gotten the PS3 over the hump in America compared to the 360. GTA IV will only make the situation worse for the PS3 in relation to the 360. 

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the reason why 360 will always outsell ps3 in NA is ( you can call me racist if u want, im canadian) americans are like " OMG I HAVE TO GET THE NEW SYSTEM OMG" and they blow there money away, just like you saw when the 360 launched. on the other hand, europeans are like, "meh ill try the 360, see if its better then ps3" , and the japanease are like " F*** America!". ps3 games dont really appeal to american gamers, maybe only resistance but thats it. gran turismo 5 will sell a load in europe, and metal gear solidd 4, and ff13 will sell in japan.