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No one ever concentrates on WHY a particular console is selling more. The 360 is winning in NA because
#1 Halo 3(huge AAA game)
#2 Price
#3 Bad ports to PS3
#4 XBL

Its not selling well, just better while the PS3 has identity issues. By midyear 1,3, and 4 will have been cancelled out by the PS3 with alternatives, and possibly #2 as well. Sony has brand name, bigger AAA titles, Blu-ray in its favor. Its also more powerful, according to developers, so well see things the Xbox can't do. Maybe the Xbox has pretty colors and sharper edges, but that only matters to nerds who are seeking things to hold against the PS3.

The only two games that you can say "move consoles" are Gears of War and Halo 3.
Mass Effect and Bioshock both only sold 1.5 million, compared to the "failure" that is Uncharted, which has sold nearly 1.2 million, and still outsells both WW.

The PS3 at $299 will be near PS2 numbers, while the 360 has proven that most people just aren't interested outside of Halo. Which is why it will finish in 3rd place in every region.