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Forums - Politics Discussion - Where are you on the political compass?

By the way... guys suggesting Obama is "Extreme" right.

I suggest looking at where other European politicians place on the compass

Shit from 2008...



Obama ends up right in the middle of Europeon governments... and that's 2008 governments. Their has been a mostly right shift since then.


All governments and parties end up right around their in the poltiical compass's ratings except for the few extreme parties.


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fighter said:
Kasz216 said:
fighter said:
Kasz216 said:



I am very interested in how you perceive the sexism and the Roma "issues". But then again, I bet you don't have many clear arguments, if we are talking of state policies France is pretty much the opposite of conservatist.

What is there to say about the Roma?  France keeps deporting them even though Bulgaria and Romania are part of the Europeon union, specifically trying to keep them out of the free travel agreements due to well... racism.


Outside that.  Sexism, france has ridiculious levels of sexual harrassment, not sure what more there is to say about that.  You've caught up somewhat legally with the 2012 rule change, but are nowhere near the US.  I'm not even sure how or why you'd try to debate that... as it's a pretty obvious and well known thing.

The whole thing stems from the fact that the US sociologically has seen sexism as an attack on human rights and dignity, and traditionally in europe it has been seen as an ecomic loss... Made espeically bad by the whole French "seduction" culture.

I mean... shit, stuff like this happens... in government.

and no... France really isn't, another thing to look at is it's race policies, which is to institute race "color blindess" which coincidentally is the exact same thing conservatives try and do in the US... because to do so promotes and perserves premade sturctural inequalities and often allows racist attitudes on the basis of "Oh we don't see race".

It allows racial inequality to simply be overlooked.  Well, until said minorities start lighting cars on fire anyway.


Name: Christophe

Age: 19

Gender: Male

What do I consder myself: eh... I voted moderate right last time.

according to this I am very close to Francois Hollande.. which I find an insult.

Figgycal said:

18, male. Democrat/ Libertarian

It's about what I expected given the questions.

28, male

Pretty much exactly results I got. Some questions I felt should have had a neutral or felt like were more complex than options provided.

EdHieron said:

People that work 40 hours each week should have decent healthcare packages and enough money to either enjoy themselves by being able to send their hard earned money on enjoyable leisure activities or enough time and money to send themselves to school or some type of training program to better themselves rather than having to be the wage slaves that they are now.  It keeps employees happier, their morale up, and it makes them more productive than the current model of make your pitiful $15,000  a year, pay for the company's crappy insurance plan, and then come nack and work your back breaking, soul destroying job again tomorrow.

If the employers can afford to buy 4 or 5 houses and 2 or 3 Jaguars a year, then the employees should at least be able to buy their families nice Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinners, to take their kids to the movies or somewhere nice every weekend, to be able to buy them nice presents for Christmas ( like the latest video game consoles ), and to be able to afford decent automobiles when they need them  $25,000.00 with prices for goods and services as they are now would allow them to do most of that rather than the current models in place at McDonald's and Wal~Mart.

Like I said before, learn economics. Perhaps study some history, too. Look at how people have lived throughout most of history, up until the last couple hundred years or so. I'll give you a clue: in crippling poverty. Throughout most of human history, the struggle was about just trying to find enough to eat. It wasn't about receiving top-notch healthcare, travelling every weekend, or buying the latest video consoles.

The two companies you slate in your post, McDonald's and Wal-Mart... Wal-Mart throws out any fruits and vegetables that are off-fresh simple because customers do not want to see them, they're put off by it. You understand that? We've gone from a world where people are constantly hungry, to a world where we throw out food for being less-than-perfect. McDonald's will provide you with a cheeseburger with several hundred calories in it, for about a dollar... in about 35 seconds.

With the policies you propose, Wal-Mart and McDonald's wouldn't even be able to exist. You understand that? It won't be that you'll suddenly have a load of employees on $25k. It'll be that you suddenly have hundreds of thousands more people unemployed. It'll be that you'll suddenly have millions of people not being able to benefit from the services that Wal-Mart and McDonald's provide.

(fyi - minimum wage McDonald's worker right here).

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am i dangerous

Right next to Robert Mugabe!

...Wasn't answering seriously of course.

Figgycal said:

Some of the questions do seem really unfair to the right wing. And it avoids really obvious questions like, gun control/ gun ownership.

Most of these types of things are tilted one way or another, so they're never "accurate".


However, to be perfectly fair, while certainly NOT all Republicans/Conservatives are racists/biggots, almost all racists/biggots these days ARE Republican/Conservative/Tea Party/"Libertarian"/etc.


That's just how the cookie crumbles.

DevilRising said:
Figgycal said:

Some of the questions do seem really unfair to the right wing. And it avoids really obvious questions like, gun control/ gun ownership.


However, to be perfectly fair, while certainly NOT all Republicans/Conservatives are racists/biggots, almost all racists/biggots these days ARE Republican/Conservative/Tea Party/"Libertarian"/etc.

Except no,

This one especially 

“In about 18 months from now, hopefully [state Sen. Vincent Sheheen] will have sent Nikki Haley back to wherever the hell she came from and this country can move forward.”

I'm an 18 year old male. I was moderately capitalist and heavily libertarian.