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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Xbox One vs. PS4 comparison by germany's most highly regarded technology magazine

shloob said:
I own both consoles and the Xbox One is the only one that feels next generation. There is no way anyone can say the ps4's ui is better its not even close and the xbox ones kinect commands work fine in an at home setting. When it comes to games, neither system has that true must have game. Ryse has incredible graphics and Killzone doesnt look too shabby either. I was extremely disappointed with killzones ending though :(. The one thing I will definitely give the edge to the ps4 on, is the game installs. I spent majority of friday just installing games and it was very frustrating where as i was playing within 10 minutes or so on Killzone ,knack and fifa.

Anyone who has Windows 8 (and can't stand it) can say that...for the most part the XB1 UI is a total replication of Metro. I like the PS4 UI. It's fast and very easy to navigate, though I'll admit the social network on the ps4 is about as cluttered as Facebook.

-- Nothing is nicer than seeing your PS3 on an HDTV through an HDMI cable for the first time.

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superryo said:
Too bad the german kinect didn't work well for them. It works amazing for me and really impressed all the friends who dropped by. I have a die hard PS3 friend who still thinks there's DRM with Xbox One and won't buy Xbox One because of that but when he saw it working he was impressed. I told him I don't care what he bought and if he likes PS3 games better then buy a PS4 but no need to try to convince me as I'll buy it when I find games I like come on the market. Gaming console is like mobile phones these days. We have Fandroids and iSheep trying to convince the other side which is better and why the other's phone sucks. Why can't people just enjoy their choice and leave it at that? I mean if we only look at specs to determine whether a game is fun or not then are we writing off Nintendo and preferring a single console vendor? In the past 6 months I've had more fun playing Candy Crush and Plants vs. Zombies and those games don't need 1080p nor 60fps.


I don't see a problem with websites giving their opinions on the matter for the undecided though. But the fan war is retarded...why?

You just can't change the mind of the decided and the fan war is a endless battle of people attempting to do that.

My question is...........I have a bunch of games that I never managed to clear and on average I will unlock about 10% achievments per game. Basically, my time being interested in the classic style of just playing a game's story is all but dead. But I do still play alot, a lot of online that is. Whats the best system to play online? It was 360 last gen and this gen it's not decided yet bu xbox live has firm roots and I don't see any reason why sony's online service will be better as of now.

^Yes that's me ripping it up in the GIF. :)

When it comes to games, i dont know how you can say xbox one is the only one tha feels next gen when PS4 is the one to provide the best version of each multiplatform and the most impressive exclusives ( sorry, Ryse is beautiful but corridor 8x8 with bad physic/animation/ia is not that impressive )

The difference is visually clear, you cant miss it with so much aliasing, PS4 really feels much more next gen in BF4, Black Flag and COD, thanks to awful microsoft upscal that increase the aliasing effect and crush the black : ( i'll make a thread about this if not old, it's a shame, even dead rising 3 is awful to watch with crushed black)

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


what do consoles sell like in germany?

deskpro2k3 said:
I'd say that is a pretty good comparison.


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Here is my comparison:

PS4 is slimmer, sleeker, sexier, thinner, lighter, with power brick integrated
XB1 is clunky, bulky, ugly, heavy, with an external power brick

Both controllers are great, one may be better than the other with respect to personal preference
But ps4 takes the edge due to integrated rechargeable battery, integrated speaker & motion, and touchpad as well as the share button

XB1 has a better launch line up, but the upcoming games and history definitely gives the edge to PS4. For now, it's a slight edge but given that it's almost certain that PS4 will be a much better hit than PS3, just wait this gap to increase a lot more in PS4's direction.

Graphics performance
PS4 is theoretically at least 40% faster though this can be as much as 2x. The performance gap in reality may change from zero in some third party games to as much as 2.25x; either way PS4 is well ahead.

General performance
So far, PS4 is far better; much faster installation times, faster Browser performance, faster UI, instant sharing, longer video recordings etc. There is not one area where PS4 doesn't exhibit higher performance.

Media Capabilities & Multi-tasking
Xbox is potentially better, but the execution is very problematic now. PS4 does everything promised and very fast at it, such as limited multi-tasking, smooth and fast game installs, responsive UI etc... XB1 promises a lot more, but the execution and reliability are poor. Multi-tasking is superior but having more than 2 or 3 apps open is barely a niche. Snap mode sounds promising but execution is horrible. Kinect might be appealing but all it is good for so far is the voice commands, which doesn't really need anything but speaker which PS4 has integrated in its controller! Plus most of this functionality can be enabled by PSeye camera and/or some software updates. In short PS4 does less, but does it much better than XB1.

This is correct if you are subscribed to online services. Otherwise, PS4 is outright better, while XB1 just cripples pretty much everything but single player gaming.

Internet capabilities
PSN is cheaper than XBL, has more bonus materials, and so far proved to be faster and more reliable. We'll see how it will turn out.

PS4 is better, period.

In short, my long run prediction:
PS4 will give a better hardware with better gaming and general performance and a more diverse, more balanced and much larger gaming library at a lower cost than XB1. The execution will be better although it will be a less capable machine than XB1, where it matters much less. It will do slightly less, but it will do it all much better.

Playstation 5 vs XBox Series Market Share Estimates

Regional Analysis  (only MS and Sony Consoles)
Europe     => XB1 : 23-24 % vs PS4 : 76-77%
N. America => XB1 :  49-52% vs PS4 : 48-51%
Global     => XB1 :  32-34% vs PS4 : 66-68%

Sales Estimations for 8th Generation Consoles

Next Gen Consoles Impressions and Estimates


Right now, they'd rather recommend/buy a PS4, not only because it's 100 Euros cheaper, but because it better concentrates on the main thing: games.

This, and we haven't seen anything yet.  Best console overall.


selnor1983 said:
I wonder if these websites know many of us have set up our xbox ones and set kinect up properly and wait for it it works 95% of the time. Lol

Poor dudes. I like knowing me having an xbox one pisses off some sad internet goers. Anyhow. Have fun chatting, im off to play killer instinct with 6 mates. We all own killer instinct and xbox one. And we are addicted to this game. Best fighter for ages.

My 2 cents:

Xbone fits better in my AV stand, PS4 looks just weird. Xbone has the better controller, better UI and it will have the better games.

After owning every Sony home console, I will not be getting PS4.

freedquaker said:

Here is my comparison:

PS4 is slimmer, sleeker, sexier, thinner, lighter, with power brick integrated
XB1 is clunky, bulky, ugly, heavy, with an external power brick

Both controllers are great, one may be better than the other with respect to personal preference
But ps4 takes the edge due to integrated rechargeable battery, integrated speaker & motion, and touchpad as well as the share button

XB1 has a better launch line up, but the upcoming games and history definitely gives the edge to PS4. For now, it's a slight edge but given that it's almost certain that PS4 will be a much better hit than PS3, just wait this gap to increase a lot more in PS4's direction.

Graphics performance
PS4 is theoretically at least 40% faster though this can be as much as 2x. The performance gap in reality may change from zero in some third party games to as much as 2.25x; either way PS4 is well ahead.

General performance
So far, PS4 is far better; much faster installation times, faster Browser performance, faster UI, instant sharing, longer video recordings etc. There is not one area where PS4 doesn't exhibit higher performance.

Media Capabilities & Multi-tasking
Xbox is potentially better, but the execution is very problematic now. PS4 does everything promised and very fast at it, such as limited multi-tasking, smooth and fast game installs, responsive UI etc... XB1 promises a lot more, but the execution and reliability are poor. Multi-tasking is superior but having more than 2 or 3 apps open is barely a niche. Snap mode sounds promising but execution is horrible. Kinect might be appealing but all it is good for so far is the voice commands, which doesn't really need anything but speaker which PS4 has integrated in its controller! Plus most of this functionality can be enabled by PSeye camera and/or some software updates. In short PS4 does less, but does it much better than XB1.

This is correct if you are subscribed to online services. Otherwise, PS4 is outright better, while XB1 just cripples pretty much everything but single player gaming.

Internet capabilities
PSN is cheaper than XBL, has more bonus materials, and so far proved to be faster and more reliable. We'll see how it will turn out.

PS4 is better, period.

In short, my long run prediction:
PS4 will give a better hardware with better gaming and general performance and a more diverse, more balanced and much larger gaming library at a lower cost than XB1. The execution will be better although it will be a less capable machine than XB1, where it matters much less. It will do slightly less, but it will do it all much better.

Pretty much this.

A guy at work is a bit of a Xbox Fan, and was defending it with "It's future tech" (whatever that means) but so many people in the office have said... overall for playing games PS4 is the better option (which is what it's core job is for, for us early adopters), he has kinda accepted it now. There are so many things in the PS4's favour, in terms of good design.

Smaller, power internal, quieter, controller rechargable, hard disk swappable, faster browser.

I don't doubt that the xboxOne is fine for playing games, and when it drops to a more reasonable cost I might get it for Dead Rising 3, but it's hardware is poorly designed compared to the PS4 and its nearly £100 more expensive. There is very little to argue against really.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!