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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Favorite exclusive game series

Series' I forgot in my above post:

PS3: Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted,

360: Fable, Splinter Cell (I think its exclusive),

Wii: Pokemon (only one I can think of)

Multi Plat: Star Wars Battlefront, Timesplitters,

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^ Splinter Cell isn't exclusive

Wii- LoZ, SMG, MP3:Corruption, SSBB, Mario Kart


PS3- MGS4, Resistance


I didn't include PC games cause I'm talking consoles and as for consoles Bioshock is neither on PS3 or Wii

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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@supermariogalaxy- the new splinter cell is exclusive to the 360, so it's as valid as MGS4 for the PS3.

PS3: J & D, Uncharted, Final Fantasy (not really, but you know what I mean), GT (will be a favourite for me soon), Ratchet, Killzone, Resistance, GOW

used to include Ace Combat and GTA, but they have moved on now and Crash and Spyro

360: Ace Combat (now), Halo, Mass Effect (although the rest will be multiplatform), GeoW

Wii: the big Nintendo ones

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Super Mario, Final Fantasy, The Legend of Zelda. Those are my three favorite franchises in gaming, though FF isn't exclusive, the good ones will likely be on PS3.

I should also mention Smash, which is my current favorite franchise but doesn't have the history to beat out the other three overall.

Going with each company rather than each system:  

Sony: Parappa the Rappa, Ico/SotC
Nintendo: Wii Sports (and hopefully Wii Fit), Metroid
Microsoft: World of Warcraft, Team Fortress Classic, Natural Selection, Unreal Tournament 2k3, Starcraft">">

Bodhesatva said:

Sony: Parappa the Rappa, ICO/SOTC


Sony: Ico/SotC, MGS
Nintendo: Mario, Zelda, WiiSports
Microsoft: GeoW, Halo

Heres my list of games I included PS2 because it is still selling well

360- Halo 3

PS3- White Knight Story, Valkyrie of the Battlefield, Final Fantasy XIII, Steambot Chronicles 2

PS2- Suikoden, Wild Arms, Atelier Iris, Ar Tonelico

Wii- Fire Emblem

PSP- Legend of Heroes, Valkyrie Profile

DS- Luminous Arc, Etrian Odyssey, Izuna

Systems I own (Games)

Sega: Dreamcast (40) , Saturn (25), Genesis (50), Masters System (10), Game Gear (20)

Sony: PS1 (8), PS2 (60) , PS3 (5), PSP (12)

Atari: 2600 (18) , 7800 (10), Lynx (10)

360: Gears, Halo, Mass Effect, Bioshock
PS3: Resistance, God Of War, Final Fantasy, Uncharted
Wii: Zelda, Galaxy, SSBB

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