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Forums - Gaming Discussion - FF7 - Is it just me...

I tried playing VII because everyone that I ever knew was telling me that it is the best game ever but 12 hours into the game I was so bored that I abandoned it. Throughout the entire game I felt like the gameplay was extremely obsolete, I hated the characters(Cloud and Aries needed to shut up) and graphics made me want to cry. I was really annoyed by reviewers that overrated XII because the only thing that kept me going through the game is the fact that I didnt have to do anything.

Anyways, those are my two experiences with the final fantasy franchise and I hated both of them. Ironically, I liked a lot of the games that were claimed to be clones of final fantasy that would never achieve the greatness that is final fantasy.

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Edouble24 said:
Well in that case everyones favorite RPG can't be taken seriously because it was their first RPG apparently. I see what you guys are saying but it really doesn't connect because people only apply it to FFVII. if FFVII is your favorite RPG the first thing most FFVII haters say is "it was obviously your first RPG" but they never say that about any other games.

FFVI sure has a ton of fans, as does Chrono Trigger, do all of those people have ignorant opinions because FFVI or CT were probably their first RPGs?

Everyone starts somewhere, I don't see why someones first RPG being FFVII means you can't respect their opinion if FFVII is their favorite. You all had a first RPG as well...

My first RPG was either Dragon's Quest 1 or some text based computer RPG.

Not my favorite RPG ever.

My favorite ever... is probably Earthbound.  Though FF6 is close.

The best every i'd put at FF6 or Chrono Trigger.

SNES was a RPG beast. FF6 and CT weren't a lot of peoples first RPGS by the way. Check the sales. Those games were bought by RPG vets.

Darc Requiem said:

Ugh FFVII, I think I am the only one the forum that despises the game more than Nanzatips. I have never been more disappointed by a game than FFVII. There is nothing about the game I like. The story was putrid, the characters were terrible, the gameplay was a joke, and it has the worse villian in series history. FFVIII was a worse game than VII but you don't have people constantly beating you over the head telling you how great it is. I have run to countless "supposed" RPG fans that tell me that FFVII is the best ever and 90% of those clowns never played an RPG before FFVII. FFVII can't even claim to be the first RPG series with FMV as the Lunar franchise accomplished that on Sega CD and if I'm not mistaken there were Turbo CD RPG's that accomplished the feat even earlier.

Edit: Edouble24 there are a legion fanboys that tell RPG veterans that FFVII is the great rpg ever when its not even the great Final Fantasy ever, hell its not the greatest FF on PS1 that honor goes to FFIX. If gamers were running around telling everyone that Superman 64, Ninjabread Man, or Lair were the greatest games ever, they'd get the same amount of backlash.

Ah liked... uh. You know. Thinking back on it, i can't think of one thing I liked about that game either. Well, I liked stuff... but it was basically all a let down from FF6. Since I've never liked FMVs.

It was probably such a shock too, as i had played nearly every game Square had made in the US... and liked almost all of them.

People are free to think FF7 is better then FF6. People are also free to think "Meet the Spartans" is better then "It's a wonderful life too."

If anyone places FF7 near the top of their RPG list... i really don't pay attention to them for RPG recomendations.

Truth is. FF7 was a giant step down in every way. Or atleast in everything that was important to me. Plot, Gameplay, Character Development, Number of Characters, music, interesting locations, plot develoment, sense of worry... etc.

I'd of been disapointed if it wasn't for the fact the PS1 turned out to be such a great gaming machine that offered me GOOD story based games.

Like Tactics Ogre... and what was basically it's spiritual successor. Final Fantasy Tactics.

Final Fantasy Tactics was the best Final Fantasy game on the PS1 if you ask me.

So why is FF VII heralded as being the best FF game, and the one that brought RPGs to the west, and the best selling FF game?
And why is everyone making such a fuss about it possibly being remade on the PS3?

Munkeh111 said:
So why is FF VII heralded as being the best FF game, and the one that brought RPGs to the west, and the best selling FF game?
And why is everyone making such a fuss about it possibly being remade on the PS3?

 Because it was the first RPG to get a massive marketing budget in the west.  Hype sells.  Hype influences opinions. Before the game came out there were countless adds that pounded in your head that this was going to be the best RPG ever.

A lot of people bought into the hype. 

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Kasz216 said:
Munkeh111 said:
So why is FF VII heralded as being the best FF game, and the one that brought RPGs to the west, and the best selling FF game?
And why is everyone making such a fuss about it possibly being remade on the PS3?

 Because it was the first RPG to get a massive marketing budget in the west.  Hype sells.  Hype influences opinions. Before the game came out there were countless adds that pounded in your head that this was going to be the best RPG ever.

A lot of people bought into the hype. 

 So FF XIII should have the same effect

Kasz216 said:
Munkeh111 said:
So why is FF VII heralded as being the best FF game, and the one that brought RPGs to the west, and the best selling FF game?
And why is everyone making such a fuss about it possibly being remade on the PS3?

Because it was the first RPG to get a massive marketing budget in the west. Hype sells. Hype influences opinions. Before the game came out there were countless adds that pounded in your head that this was going to be the best RPG ever.

A lot of people bought into the hype.

 That and a lot of people that say FFVII is the best RPG ever never played FF I-VI.  I'm sure if I hadn't played any of those games FFVII would be near the top of my list too.

Edouble24 said:
oh and Jenova isn't controlling Sephiroth it's the other way around. The story writer said that. Sephiroth is the one that killed Aeris not Jenova. Everytime you run into him he sends a piece of Jenova down to fight you and at the end he's the final boss not Jenova. He's the one responsible for most of the events in FFVII by his direct actions. Jenova was evil and he was influenced by her but not in the way of mind control. Sephiroth set to carry out what Jenova started not because she was controlling him but because that's what he wanted to do. Had he succeeded with his goal, he would have become a god, not Jenova.

If there is a main villain other than Sephy in the game then it's gotta be Hojo, as he has a hand in almost everything that went down in the game.

 If you have to talk to the storywriter after playing the game to figure out what happened....

It didn't have a good story.

FFXIII is not so much hyped
remember it is exclusive to the most hated/bashed console : PS3 ...

and yes, many nintendo fan bash FF7 because it is, in part, what killed the N64 (when other FF7 have pushed the Nintendo system)

also remember we are in a "Nintendo infested" website where many people like/play/support nintendo system (brawl official thread : 2 weeks =+700 posts)

and yes, many people LOVE FF7 just because it is their first JRPG

I have played FF7, it is my first JRPG, and it was very good

Time to Work !

libellule said:

and yes, many nintendo fan bash FF7 because it is, in part, what killed the N64 (when other FF7 have pushed the Nintendo system)

Find me one person that actually thinks that.