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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony sells 1m PS3s in UK (faster than PS2)

From Gamesindustry:

"Reaches milestone quicker than the PS2

Sony has confirmed to that the PlayStation 3 has sold over one million units in the UK.

The console was released in the UK on March 23 last year, meaning it has reached the milestone quicker than the PlayStation 2, which took 50 weeks to sell one million units.

Sony announced back in June 2007 that sales had hit the one million mark across the whole of Europe in just nine and a half weeks.

With sales of the most expensive home console reaching important milestones for Sony, publishers are becoming more confident in the format.

Last week, Electronic Arts stated that it expects the PS3 to outsell the Xbox 360 this year, clocking up between 5 and 6 million units in Europe and up to another 5.5 million units in North America.

Nintendo's Wii reached the one million mark in the UK within 38 weeks on sale, making it the fastest-selling home console in the region.

Microsoft's Xbox 360 sold one million units within 60 weeks."

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

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Great, however # weeks to "million goal" cited forXbox 360 and Wii were refered to sale to customers ( via Chart-Track , if I'm not wrong ).
Ps3's #weeks seems shipment ... ( I could be wrong )

 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.

Interesting, I was wondering which milestone would be hit first, PS3 1 million, or 360 2 million. The only problem is they don't say if it's Chart-Track or shipped units. The 360 and Wii 1 million figures are Chart-Track, so there's a good chance the PS3 one is too. If it is sold to consumers then there should be an article on MCV soon citing Chart-Track as the source.

Hmm yes, I think the 50 weeks for PS2 was also sales from Chart Track (compared to shipment for PS3), I hate it when Sony opens their mouth, it's so much more confusing.

Wait... are they comparing the sales of the PS3 in the whole of Europe to the sales of the PS2 in just the UK? The wording is confusing me here.

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Great, the PS3 sells faster than the 360 did in both the UK and Australia, the only real 360 strongholds outside of the US. The US is still a market to worry about for Sony regarding battling the 360, but maybe not too unexpected considering the PS2 is still alive and kicking there and the XBox was left unsupported for over two years there (pushing hardcore XBox fans to upgrade) and biased US media reports.

I think the PS3 will win christmas 2008 sales against the 360 even in the US, Australia and the UK. If so many PS3 doom mongers will have to eat their words.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Hmmm, I still think it is to retail numbers. But even if it isn't we can use this graph to show that it isn't a very accurate way of looking at it... The PS2 clearly had minimum supply for launch and through it's first Christmas, wheras PS3 had a huge launch, and masses of supply for last Christmas.

I'm sure it is doing almost as well as the 360 (unless you take the early supply into account again) but the comparisons to PS2 don't seem right... PS2 was huge here.

and it's selling slower than the Game Cube in the US.

"and it's selling slower than the Game Cube in the US."

I thought the Game Cube did pretty well in the US, not that it has anything to do with this thread.

Confirmed Chart-Track: