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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What games have defined this generation for you and why?

Ninja Gaiden Sigma: The greatest action/adventure game ever made. This game is just amazing. The graphics, the gameplay, the framerate... Everything in this game is just so well-designed.

Mario Galaxy: Althoug not in the same league as Sunshine and 64, it's still a great game. I had a lot of fun playing this game.


Mass Effect: Can someone say "masterpiece"? This is tuely a great and epic game.


Devil May Cry 4: The same thing I said about ninja Gaiden, only this is not the greatest ever.

Oblivion: The best game of it's kind - easily.


I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

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Phoenix Wirght: ace attorney, because I think it represents the "touch" generation perfectly.

None, yet. There are no WOW! games for me at this point, but I know they're coming! If Half-Life 2: Episode 2 could count (allthough it hardly can), I'd say that defined the current gen for me.
There's a reason, beyond finances, that I'm always a late adopter of consoles...

MotorStorm, it was the first game to really show what the PS3 can do, and it is a shining example of how to support a title long after launch with plenty of DLC and updates to make the online even more perfect and to add rumble

Warhawk: as far as I know, the first proper downloadable game, and a great online game. It also shows how important online play is to people

Heavenly Sword: a brilliant story and magnificent cut scenes just showed how some games are getting closer to films

Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare: firstly, it showed people how to do a PS360 game and make them equal. It showed great graphics, it rejuvenated a series, it has near perfect online play, and an extremely cinematic single player, where they chose quality of quantity. There are only one of two bad minutes in the 6 hour campaign

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune: the graphics, the gameplay, the story, everything, this game was brilliant, and showed how much the PS3 has improved, even since Motorstorm

Endorphin, DMM, Euphoria (SW Force Unleashed) & Motion Capture (Heavenly Sword). And WiiSports ofcourse.

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Super Mario 64 DS
WarioWare Touched
Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass



Wii Sports - introduced me into this gaming revolution. I was able to experience the power of the Wii for thr first time. I will never forget this life changing experience and I will never look at games the same way

It's funny how everyone got straight into Wii Sports. The first time I tried it I wasn't impressed (possibly because a nine year old beat me at tennis) and I remember saying I preferred normal controls.

The generation as a whole has definitely come down to one title and one title only for it's definition, as many have already said: Wii Sports.



Its funny how people miss the point about WiiSports and why it is revolutionary, generation-defining, and awesome... WiiSports changed the entire market with its charm and accessability. Instead of growing at a normal rate of growth (videogames compared to the rest of economic growth) video games are growing at a rate that was not imaginable in 2005.

WiiSports is the culmanation of what DS started and has introduced or reintroduced people to the idea of actually putting a toy in the living room for use by the adults.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.