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MotorStorm, it was the first game to really show what the PS3 can do, and it is a shining example of how to support a title long after launch with plenty of DLC and updates to make the online even more perfect and to add rumble

Warhawk: as far as I know, the first proper downloadable game, and a great online game. It also shows how important online play is to people

Heavenly Sword: a brilliant story and magnificent cut scenes just showed how some games are getting closer to films

Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare: firstly, it showed people how to do a PS360 game and make them equal. It showed great graphics, it rejuvenated a series, it has near perfect online play, and an extremely cinematic single player, where they chose quality of quantity. There are only one of two bad minutes in the 6 hour campaign

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune: the graphics, the gameplay, the story, everything, this game was brilliant, and showed how much the PS3 has improved, even since Motorstorm