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Forums - Sony Discussion - Amazon Customer Reviews for PS4 - Trolls or serious issues?

Ivankov said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Ivankov said:
Lots of those negative review are trolling, i took a few minutes to click on a bunch of 1 star review, all without the Amazon verified purchase tag, and quite a coincidence than most of those are actually the very first review of those users.

While there's obviously people having some real issues with their system i doubt the rating system of Amazon can really shows how spread out it actually is.

Um yeah a lot of them have Amazon verified purchases with a 1 star review. Just face it the PS4 has hardware issues. 

I don't really see which part of my post deny the very existence of issues on the system.

I never said you were denying it, but the fact remains I'm on Amazon looking through the 1 star reviews and almost all of them have Amazon verified purchases. I'm sure there are a few trolls. 

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DerNebel said:

Someone on reddit shared a picture of how his PS4 arrived from Amazon

Looks like he wasn't the only one to get it like this, here's the thread:

That might explain some of the faulty PS4s...

this is how xbox fanboys working for amazon do their job.

fps_d0minat0r said:
Dont see why Amazon allows people who didnt buy from them to leave a review, obviously trolls will take advantage, not only on this but all other products they sell too.
I would only trust the verified purchases, and its a shame some people got faulty units, but it is a small amount. Will be interesting to see how the consoles cope after intensive use in the long run.

I use Amazon a lot and have left a few reviews, good and bad for items I've purchased elesewhere as the places that I purchased them from don't allow you to leave reviews.  I just looked at the reviews being left for the PS4's and most of the reviews, good and bad, are "Amazon verified purchased".

I didn't buy a PS4 which makes it the first console launch since the original NES that I didn't buy at launch.  Between my 3DS, iPad, PC, PS3, Vita, Wii U, Xbox 360 and older systems, I just don't have time for anything new.  My question is, where is all the talk on this site from people who have bought a PS4?!?

Stop hating and start playing.

Youd think with a high DOA rate the media would be all over it... Maybe something wrong with a certain shipment?


DirtyP2002 said:
iceland said:
HokageTenshi said:
actually PS4 is very cheap compare to lots of smartphones but people still expecting too much from it just because its new, that's why gets disappointed when it didn't perform up to their expectation, and I don't know what they are expecting from a $399 cheap console...

To work?

This does not happen a lot on forums, but I actually laughed.

yah he sounds like not working is one of the PS4 features that didn't satisfied the consumer...

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pbroy said:
Sensei said:
What worries me is that many of the 1-star reviews are verified purchases.

I bought mine from Amazon. Now, not only the wait is killing me, there's also the small possibility I receive a system that doesn't work. Bummer, I'm scared.

I feel your pain. I received my package from Amazon yesterday, but it was too late for me to set it up. Now I'm at work and split 50-50, if I should open it or sell it on eBay for at least $100 profit and let someone else deal with this jack in the box. what to do when I get home? If I open it I already and get a brick I lose out on making a quick buck. If I open it and it works, I will be in indie heaven for the weekend.

Yeah, that's a tough decision. I wouldn't manage to get a PS4 and resist and not open it, though. lol. 

If mine is bricked, though luck. I'll just return it to Amazon.

But let's just hope not. Dear God I'll be so devastated if mine doesn't work that I should record my reaction and put it up on Youtube.

BuckStud said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
Dont see why Amazon allows people who didnt buy from them to leave a review, obviously trolls will take advantage, not only on this but all other products they sell too.
I would only trust the verified purchases, and its a shame some people got faulty units, but it is a small amount. Will be interesting to see how the consoles cope after intensive use in the long run.

I use Amazon a lot and have left a few reviews, good and bad for items I've purchased elesewhere as the places that I purchased them from don't allow you to leave reviews.  I just looked at the reviews being left for the PS4's and most of the reviews, good and bad, are "Amazon verified purchased".

I didn't buy a PS4 which makes it the first console launch since the original NES that I didn't buy at launch.  Between my 3DS, iPad, PC, PS3, Vita, Wii U, Xbox 360 and older systems, I just don't have time for anything new.  My question is, where is all the talk on this site from people who have bought a PS4?!?

That's a good question.

Carl2291 said:
Youd think with a high DOA rate the media would be all over it... Maybe something wrong with a certain shipment?

I only know one person who has bought one and theirs seems to be working.  There are about 60 or so on our local Craig's List for sale new in box though.  My guess is that a fairly large quantity of the initial shipment were bought by scalpers and haven't even been used yet.  I guess that if you buy one off eBay or Craig's List, get a store receipt from the seller as Sony won't honor their warranty without one.  I found that out the hard way with one of my PS3's.

Stop hating and start playing.

NobleTeam360 said:
Ivankov said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Ivankov said:
Lots of those negative review are trolling, i took a few minutes to click on a bunch of 1 star review, all without the Amazon verified purchase tag, and quite a coincidence than most of those are actually the very first review of those users.

While there's obviously people having some real issues with their system i doubt the rating system of Amazon can really shows how spread out it actually is.

Um yeah a lot of them have Amazon verified purchases with a 1 star review. Just face it the PS4 has hardware issues. 

I don't really see which part of my post deny the very existence of issues on the system.

I never said you were denying it, but the fact remains I'm on Amazon looking through the 1 star reviews and almost all of them have Amazon verified purchases. I'm sure there are a few trolls. 

It has hardware issues just like all new hardware launches.  Nothing extraordinary and it has a 1 year warranty for those RARE cases.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

Uh some of you damage control clowns need to be completely honest...there are 5 star UNVERIFIED trolls as well, 4 on the first page alone. Would not shock me if over 30% 5 star ratings were unverified.

& This is why I hate launch consoles. Even my Wii U had to be sent in to repair after 6 mos. (faulty CPU).