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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your Top 50 Games: 2013 Discussion Thread (The Final Day!)

46. The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap (35)

The addition of a lot of the console qualities to the handheld Zelda games was wonderful and really opened up the already solid gameplay.  In addition to the great main story line there are also numerous side stories to keep you playing and plenty of items to find and collect.  Especially interesting were the kinstones and figurines, which were a neat method of handling a reward system with some extra excitement.  All of the movement based items and the minish cap were especially fun to play around with. Capcom tends to do a really nice job with Zelda games.

Primarily an RPG player but have interest in any game that will make me think. 

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#45 - Slightly confusing game that ran into money trouble halfway through.

BasilZero said:
Anfebious said:

I think I got you! Tales of Phantasia?

You are right!

YES! I got one! . It was too easy when you said it had to do with the name of the video xD.

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

BasilZero said:
Anfebious said:

YES! I got one! . It was too easy when you said it had to do with the name of the video xD.

No one else seem like they were interested in guessing mine from the clues I originally gave XD

Because they suck at guessing U_U. jk . I

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

BasilZero said:
Anfebious said:

I think I got you! Tales of Phantasia?

You are right!

Can't believe I didn't see this once you mentioned the name!

Damn, I'm off my game today

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BasilZero said:
F0X said:

Dawn of the Fifth Day - 45 Hints Remaining

45. I started a Let's Play for this game, but abandoned it shortly after starting my freshman year at college. If BazilZero doesn't get this, then I lol.

Earthbound lol.

Did you finish the game even though you didnt do a full LP on it xD?

Yes, I finished it. :) Otherwise, it wouldn't be on my list!

3DS Friend Code: 0645 - 5827 - 5788
WayForward Kickstarter is best kickstarter:

#45. Earthbound

Earthbound is hilarious, chaming, and appropriatekly meta. Essentially a parody of American culture, Earthbound takes a look at issues like cultism, police brutality, and rampant consumerism, then proceeds to lampoon them with sublety. You think South Park is funny? Well, it is, but Earthbound marrys humor with the sharpest of wits, often reminding me of British comedy (of all things).

Alsom it's just plain fun. Random battles are stripped out in favor of a system which works similarly to the Mario & Luigi series, and battles are challenging from the get-go. It also one of those RPGs in which I had to talk to every NPC because the dialogue was great, not because I felt obligated to.

3DS Friend Code: 0645 - 5827 - 5788
WayForward Kickstarter is best kickstarter:

My #45 is an easy guess, so ere's a harder hint: the best-selling entry in its series, yet one that predated the protagonist's trademark ability.

Salnax said:

My #45 is an easy guess, so ere's a harder hint: the best-selling entry in its series, yet one that predated the protagonist's trademark ability.

Luigi's Mansion? I'm not sure if I know what predate means though.

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

Salnax said:

My #45 is an easy guess, so ere's a harder hint: the best-selling entry in its series, yet one that predated the protagonist's trademark ability.


"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"