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Forums - Sony Discussion - Proof that the site is seriously undertracking PSP games in Others !!!

Yeh, I have been a bit confused why WipEout and Pursuit Force have had zero sales. Likewise, there are no Europe sales for some PS3 games, like Lair and RSV (which sold about 50k in UK according to Chart track via OPM)

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lombard2578 said:
lombard2578 said:
hunter_alien said:
lombard2578 said:
hunter_alien said:

First of all , I would want to say that this site is great , and I love it ( just before all haters will throw themself at me ) . I know that ioi and the others who track data are doing their best , and Its normal for the site to have a couple of minuses , especially if its entirely for free to use . The only thing I dont like about the site , are the people , who keep on yelling how terrible PSP software sale are . I admit , they are bad , but not even far as bad ( at least in Others ) as it would seem .

This week , the Others chart show us that only 14299 games where sold , and 49522 PSPs ... this would be a terrible attach ratio . But then I looked at a couple of games .


This week FIFA 08 sold on the PSP in Others 5846 copys . WWE Smackdown vs. RAW 08 sold 3434 copys . The Golden Compass sold 2629 copys . The Simpsons Game sold another 2320 copys . So only 4 games sold ... OMG , what a surprise ... exactly 14299 copys !!!


The site is tracking in Others only 4 games ! And last year there where some pretty big EU games released like Pursuit Force : Extreme Justice and Wipeout Pulse . Both are much bigger in the EU than in the US .


So please , before you yell : " OMG teh PSP haz no software salez !!!! " think about this thread , and maybe , just maybe I finally convinced some that the PSP is actually selling games ( not much , but enough to keep 3rd party support ) .

It's not the first time i see the question.

The total, you speak, is only the total for the game of the top 50, so not the right total you think.

It's a fact, the totals in others are only totals for the game in the top 50.

And, you can imagine there is a lot of game selling about 1000 copies behind the fourth game you speek, which give better software sales for the psp, but not incredible sales, because it's not the case, because piracy for exemple.

Those games are not even in the top 50 ... and dont tell me that Wipeout Pulse didnt manage to pass the 20k it needed when it was released to break in the top 50 , because seeing sales for many games ( Tomb Raider Legends , GTA games , Pursuit Force etc. ) Others is the best software seller for the PSP .


I know that PSP software sales are far from stellar , but saying absymal is pretty silly :)

I believe you see these numbers in the top 50, because we only see the top 50, so where do you find them?

There was really a thread about this fact before, and ioi says it was because the total is only for certainly the 4 games you said, and so, you must be agree, it's not the right total.

For the rest, ioi don't give result for all the games which exist, it's not a surprise. Maybe, he has no time to do it, and certainly, the sample don't give enough data to give acceptable numbers.

For wipeout pulse, he is only rank 20 in UK this week, and it's a return in the top:

So, i'm not sure of what you think about this game.



For wipeout pulse in uk (top full price, because we don't have an all price top):

first week 15 december: rank 20

second week 22 december: rank 15

third week 29 december: not in the top 20

fourth week 5 january: rank 20

fifth week 12 january: rank 16

sixth week 19 january: rank 19

seventh week 26 january: not in the top 20

eigth week 2 february: not in the top 20

So, this game is not very good in UK.


 In the UK , sales of the PSP are all the time in last postition , compared to other hardware . Bealive me , if you take in account countrys like Italy , Spain , France , Germany and others , I wouldent be surprised if Wipeout Pulse , during its release week wasnt in a top posititoon ( not top 3 , but maybe top 20 or 30 ) . 


   Anyways , ioi told us all we needed to know ... the answer is simple . Other consoles have much more top titles , and they are easier to track , while PSP game unfortunatly dont often got ot the top :(


   Well , anyways , I would like to thank ioi , that he even responded to this read , and I would especially like to thank him that he will take the time and add more games . Im really sorry , I really didnt wanted to make this thread to give ou more work , the only reason I even made this to at least try and temper the PSP bashing that is going around :)

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

I think ioi needs more slaves for this site to help get the numbers up to date :)

Good to see this site is still going 

I think Ioi explained this issue perfectly. It makes me wonder why someone picked the PSP out particularly. You can do the same math with the Wii, 360, PS3 or DS, and you'll find the same thing: games not on the charts arent' being tracked!

Why did we pick the PSP out as the problem, when all platforms suffer from this issue?">">

Bodhesatva said:

I think Ioi explained this issue perfectly. It makes me wonder why someone picked the PSP out particularly. You can do the same math with the Wii, 360, PS3 or DS, and you'll find the same thing: games not on the charts arent' being tracked!

Why did we pick the PSP out as the problem, when all platforms suffer from this issue?

 Maybe because Im a PSP fan ? That could be it Also , the PSP is in the wors sittuation because it only had 4 games tracked ...

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

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hunter_alien said:
Bodhesatva said:

I think Ioi explained this issue perfectly. It makes me wonder why someone picked the PSP out particularly. You can do the same math with the Wii, 360, PS3 or DS, and you'll find the same thing: games not on the charts arent' being tracked!

Why did we pick the PSP out as the problem, when all platforms suffer from this issue?

Maybe because Im a PSP fan ? That could be it Also , the PSP is in the wors sittuation because it only had 4 games tracked ...

Having "only" 4 games track doesn't make it worse. Here's an example: let's say the DS has 12 games in the top 50, and then 20 games in the 100-200 area. Let's say the PSP has 4 games in the top 50, then 6 more in the 100-200 area. That would mean only 38 percent of the DS games are being tracked, while 40 percent of the PSP games are.

That would actually mean a larger portion of the DS sales aren't being tracked than PSP. Unless you are absolutely certain that the PSP dominates the charts in the 100-200 region?">">

Only 4 games in the top 100? Proof it's rubbish.

Bodhesatva said:

I think Ioi explained this issue perfectly. It makes me wonder why someone picked the PSP out particularly. You can do the same math with the Wii, 360, PS3 or DS, and you'll find the same thing: games not on the charts arent' being tracked!

Why did we pick the PSP out as the problem, when all platforms suffer from this issue?  

Because the PSP deserves some special love and attention!  Especially mine as I keep dropping the poor thing... I guess in my heart I want an excuse to get a new slim and lite for the Skype (and the slim and the lite bit too).

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Bodhesatva said:
hunter_alien said:
Bodhesatva said:

I think Ioi explained this issue perfectly. It makes me wonder why someone picked the PSP out particularly. You can do the same math with the Wii, 360, PS3 or DS, and you'll find the same thing: games not on the charts arent' being tracked!

Why did we pick the PSP out as the problem, when all platforms suffer from this issue?

Maybe because Im a PSP fan ? That could be it Also , the PSP is in the wors sittuation because it only had 4 games tracked ...

Having "only" 4 games track doesn't make it worse. Here's an example: let's say the DS has 12 games in the top 50, and then 20 games in the 100-200 area. Let's say the PSP has 4 games in the top 50, then 6 more in the 100-200 area. That would mean only 38 percent of the DS games are being tracked, while 40 percent of the PSP games are.

That would actually mean a larger portion of the DS sales aren't being tracked than PSP. Unless you are absolutely certain that the PSP dominates the charts in the 100-200 region?

 The DS is a great software seller , and in the top 100 there are much more DS games than PSP games . While only ~ 1% of PSP games are tracked I bet that at least 5-10 % of DS games are tracked , considering the ammount of games it has ...So overall the PSP should be % wise higher .


  Ivader : dont you get it , no new games where actually even updated , thats why I gave the Wipeout/Pursuit Force example ... you just dont understand  ?

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

hunter_alien said:

The DS is a great software seller , and in the top 100 there are much more DS games than PSP games . While only ~ 1% of PSP games are tracked I bet that at least 5-10 % of DS games are tracked , considering the ammount of games it has ...So overall the PSP should be % wise higher .


Ivader : dont you get it , no new games where actually even updated , thats why I gave the Wipeout/Pursuit Force example ... you just dont understand ?

Do you have any actual proof or are you guessing? It's sounds like you are pulling statistics out of your ass.