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hunter_alien said:
Bodhesatva said:

I think Ioi explained this issue perfectly. It makes me wonder why someone picked the PSP out particularly. You can do the same math with the Wii, 360, PS3 or DS, and you'll find the same thing: games not on the charts arent' being tracked!

Why did we pick the PSP out as the problem, when all platforms suffer from this issue?

Maybe because Im a PSP fan ? That could be it Also , the PSP is in the wors sittuation because it only had 4 games tracked ...

Having "only" 4 games track doesn't make it worse. Here's an example: let's say the DS has 12 games in the top 50, and then 20 games in the 100-200 area. Let's say the PSP has 4 games in the top 50, then 6 more in the 100-200 area. That would mean only 38 percent of the DS games are being tracked, while 40 percent of the PSP games are.

That would actually mean a larger portion of the DS sales aren't being tracked than PSP. Unless you are absolutely certain that the PSP dominates the charts in the 100-200 region?">">