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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination - Sorry VGC, But Your Thread Is In Another Castle


Rate Conegamer's Reign

10 81 70.43%
9 4 3.48%
8 2 1.74%
7 3 2.61%
6 0 0%
5 1 0.87%
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2 1 0.87%
1 8 6.96%
Conegamer said:
Slarvax said:
Wooot! 10k posts! Took us very long, and a lot of users never came back since the beginning, but we've done it!

Yeah, it's strange how that worked. Ah well, got there in the end!

Now tradition dictates that the poster who achieves such a milestone receives a ban to celebrate. What say you Spurge?

I'm glad Spurge is here to take the bullet. 

Around the Network
spurgeonryan said:
Anyone buy any digital games this week?

I bought Art of Balance on Wii U yesterday.

Smash 3DS down to 86%...

If you're interested in Nintendo content and understand german, maybe you want to take a look at my youtube channel! :)

what i miss?


(Won)Bet with TechoHobbit: He(Techno) says 10 million by January 1,2014 I say 9 million by then. Winner gets 2 weeks of sig control.

(Lost)Bet with kinisking: I say Ps4 will win April NPD while he says Xbox One will win it; winner gets 1 week of avatar control.

Raichu's First Series:

First RPG?

First Fighter?

First Racer?

First Shooter?

First MMO?

First Horror?

Official Ni No Kuni Fanboy:

Familiars Captured:37

Game Beaten: 2 times almost

Times I got teary during some scenes: 3

I'm surprised you still aren't banned yet Spurge.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Around the Network
spurgeonryan said:

Not sure if worth a thread, but interesting.

Forbes highlighting an Andrew Eisen, good for him. Unfortunate that it had to be such a depressing one. Still, Wii U+3DS+PC=best combo

Conegamer said:
I'm surprised you still aren't banned yet Spurge.

Who's fault is that?

Clyde32 said:
curl-6 said:
AstroGamer said:
So Fatal Frame may be confirmed for localisation

I want to get excited, but apparently niconico does English descriptions often, so this isn't a smoking gun, sadly. :(

Let's not lose hope though. 

Oh I haven't lost hope, I'm just saying the fight's not over yet. ;)


Hero and Heroine Trainers Club Member.