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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination - Sorry VGC, But Your Thread Is In Another Castle


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Any recommendations what to download on the Wii U eshop?
I have ~7€ left and i really don't know what to buy with it!
I'd prefer some indie stuff over Virtual Console!

If you're interested in Nintendo content and understand german, maybe you want to take a look at my youtube channel! :)

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JEMC said:
curl-6 said:

Yeah it's a really pretty game.

Just like most* Nintendo games; Nintendo may not make graphic behemonths, it's not their style, but their games always look good.

*The only exceptions are some of the minigames collections, and that's because of they featuring Miis.


Hell, I think many of their Wii games like Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Metroid Prime 3, and Xenoblade still look great.

Slarvax said:
What did you guys think of Nintendo Land??

An good party game! Some of its mini-games just suck ( looking at you DK's Crash Course), but others like Metroid Blast were loads of fun!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

spurgeonryan said:

What are you looking for?

Xtype is a good shooter. Miiverse is actually enjoying it as well.

Nothing in particular.

Xtype sounds good, i already saw that yesterday and was interested in it.

Another game im interested in is "Kung Fu Rabbit". Has anyone played that? Looked also really good.

If you're interested in Nintendo content and understand german, maybe you want to take a look at my youtube channel! :)

spurgeonryan said:
Kung fu rabbit is good and cheap.

Cannonballz has played it as well. ^

Just another 2D side scroller, but There are no problems with it. Plenty of challenge, good sound effects, visuals are nice, controls are nice, and there are a ton of levels to play!

Alright, thanks!
I'll think about it!

If you're interested in Nintendo content and understand german, maybe you want to take a look at my youtube channel! :)

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So what's everyone playing right now?


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:
So what's everyone playing right now?

Started playing W101 today! Its quite good so far, but the tutorial should have been a little bigger.....

I get plastic trophies all the time because most stuff wasn't even explained.

But im learning slowly!

If you're interested in Nintendo content and understand german, maybe you want to take a look at my youtube channel! :)

RealGamingExpert said:
Conegamer said:
So what's everyone playing right now?

Started playing W101 today! Its quite good so far, but the tutorial should have been a little bigger.....

I get plastic trophies all the time because most stuff wasn't even explained.

But im learning slowly!

Ah nice, glad you're enjoying it! It's a mighty fine game, which gets really good towards the end. 


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:

Ah nice, glad you're enjoying it! It's a mighty fine game, which gets really good towards the end. 

So... What are you playing right now?

If you're interested in Nintendo content and understand german, maybe you want to take a look at my youtube channel! :)

RealGamingExpert said:
Conegamer said:

Ah nice, glad you're enjoying it! It's a mighty fine game, which gets really good towards the end. 

So... What are you playing right now?

Actually I'm playing Ni No Kuni right now

Also a bit of Xillia!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.