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Love and tolerate.

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Hyrule Warriors Hits Japan On August 14th

By Ishaan . May 20, 2014 . 5:08am

Hyrule Warriors, Tecmo Koei’s Warriors game set in the Legend of Zelda universe, has a release date in Japan. This week’s issue of Famitsu magazine reports that the game will be released on August 14th.


Hyrule Warriors is in development for the Wii U. We’ll have more details as they’re made available.


^That's a lot sooner than I thought!

I wonder how polished the game is, because when they revealed it the looks and collision detection were kind of 'meh'.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

So in Japan, over the course of 7 months, is getting a Wii U calendar like this:

  • May - Mario Kart 8 (HUGE GAME)
  • June - Various Licensed Games like Kamen Rider and One Piece, Wii Sports Club
  • July - Monster Hunter Frontier, Bayonetta 2?
  • August - Hyrule Warriors (Big Game)
  • Q4 - Super Smash Bros 4 (HUGE GAME), X

Plus there's also games like Yarn Yoshi, SMTXFE, Fatal Frame, etc, which may or may not be 2014 releases and games yet to be announced. Like whatever it is EAD groups 2 and 4 are working on in particular.


I have a feeling that 2014 can end up being a good year for the Wii U in Japan. Maybe not, but I can easily see the Wii U selling 1.3 to 1.5 million units in Japan for 2014, about a 50% increase over last year.




Also, time for a thought or two about the Wii U in Japan.

The best-selling Wii games in Japan were, in no particular order, as follows:

  • 2D Mario
  • 3D Mario
  • Animal Crossing
  • Donkey Kong Country
  • Mario Kart
  • Mario Party
  • Monster Hunter
  • Super Smash Bros
  • Wii Fit and WFP
  • Wii Party
  • Wii Play
  • Wii Sports and WSR

That's a total of 14 million-sellers.


So far, the Wii U has only one million-seller in Japan: 2D Mario. However, both Wii Party U and SM3DW are likely to break a million lifetime, so that's three. Wii Fit has died since 2010, and Tropical Freeze simply flopped, but nevertheless, it looks like there are still plenty of returning cardss from the WIi for Nintendo to play.

In 2014, the Wii U is getting Mario Kart, Smash Bros, and Wii Sports. That means the chief remaining cards Nintendo has yet to tap are Animal Crossing and Mario Party, assuming that Wii Play was a one-time free controller sort of game. Therefore, if Nintendo wants to "win" the declining Japanese console market, these two casual series should be a priority. Seeing as how Animal Crossing came out in late 2012, and the last Mario Party came out even before that, both games should preferably be brought to market fairly quickly.

Other thoughts: Can Nintendo get Capcom to release a version of MH4 for the Wii U? Even MH3 Ultimate is one of the Wii U's top games ever in Japan thus far. Also, what smaller cards can Nintendo play? Rhythm Heaven, anniversary editions of games ala Super Mario's 2010 package, Kirby, WarioWare, and Pokemon come to mind. Rhythm Heaven can come out soon on either the 3DS or the Wii U. Super Mario is due for a 30th anniversary next year, possibly bundled with Super Mario World and even NSMBU. Kirby may take a while, seeing how recent Triple Deluxe is. WarioWare should not take to long to make, especially since Game & Wario came out a year ago. Pokemon can be anything.

Love and tolerate.

Salnax said:

So in Japan, over the course of 7 months, is getting a Wii U calendar like this:

  • May - Mario Kart 8 (HUGE GAME)
  • June - Various Licensed Games like Kamen Rider and One Piece, Wii Sports Club
  • July - Monster Hunter Frontier, Bayonetta 2?
  • August - Hyrule Warriors (Big Game)
  • Q4 - Super Smash Bros 4 (HUGE GAME), X

Plus there's also games like Yarn Yoshi, SMTXFE, Fatal Frame, etc, which may or may not be 2014 releases and games yet to be announced. Like whatever it is EAD groups 2 and 4 are working on in particular.


I have a feeling that 2014 can end up being a good year for the Wii U in Japan. Maybe not, but I can easily see the Wii U selling 1.3 to 1.5 million units in Japan for 2014, about a 50% increase over last year.




Also, time for a thought or two about the Wii U in Japan.

The best-selling Wii games in Japan were, in no particular order, as follows:

  • 2D Mario
  • 3D Mario
  • Animal Crossing
  • Donkey Kong Country
  • Mario Kart
  • Mario Party
  • Monster Hunter
  • Super Smash Bros
  • Wii Fit and WFP
  • Wii Party
  • Wii Play
  • Wii Sports and WSR

That's a total of 14 million-sellers.


So far, the Wii U has only one million-seller in Japan: 2D Mario. However, both Wii Party U and SM3DW are likely to break a million lifetime, so that's three. Wii Fit has died since 2010, and Tropical Freeze simply flopped, but nevertheless, it looks like there are still plenty of returning cardss from the WIi for Nintendo to play.

In 2014, the Wii U is getting Mario Kart, Smash Bros, and Wii Sports. That means the chief remaining cards Nintendo has yet to tap are Animal Crossing and Mario Party, assuming that Wii Play was a one-time free controller sort of game. Therefore, if Nintendo wants to "win" the declining Japanese console market, these two casual series should be a priority. Seeing as how Animal Crossing came out in late 2012, and the last Mario Party came out even before that, both games should preferably be brought to market fairly quickly.

Other thoughts: Can Nintendo get Capcom to release a version of MH4 for the Wii U? Even MH3 Ultimate is one of the Wii U's top games ever in Japan thus far. Also, what smaller cards can Nintendo play? Rhythm Heaven, anniversary editions of games ala Super Mario's 2010 package, Kirby, WarioWare, and Pokemon come to mind. Rhythm Heaven can come out soon on either the 3DS or the Wii U. Super Mario is due for a 30th anniversary next year, possibly bundled with Super Mario World and even NSMBU. Kirby may take a while, seeing how recent Triple Deluxe is. WarioWare should not take to long to make, especially since Game & Wario came out a year ago. Pokemon can be anything.

A great point, the Wii U does have an excellent lineup this year in Japan (from this point ofcourse) and sales should pick up. A MH4 for Wii U would do wonders as well. And no doubt many smaller games like the ones you mentioned will be revealed as the year goes on.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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How...expectedly familiar.

It's like when Micheal Jackson died all over again, near verbatim, really. A constant joke now being memorialized with sudden good memories out of the blue. The old saying still works:

You don't realize how good you've got something until it's gone.

I remember that Nintendo WFC got LAMBASTED by every corner of the internet for many of the WFC Wii and DS games.

"NO MORE FRIEND CODES!!" You people yelled.

"Give us a regular account system!" You lot demanded.

"Be more like PSN and Xbox Live!" And yeah, even asking for a paid subscription LIKE Live at rare times. Asinine, but as truthful as rising mortality rates in the world.

Even laughing over and over again like a broken record to the same old potshots at the WFC (or any connection problem for that matter, like this that plague MMOs.... long after the issues get resolved) like this:

And this:

And who could forget this:


It's always just so fascinating to see people paying respect to something they most likely have a lasting resentment against. Probably because this circumstance causes people to irk out the smallest, happiest memory of something amidst the majority of its time (in this case 8 1/2 years of service) possibly being negative and just seeing people suddenly lamenting about it shows how human nature repetitiously turns of a dime.

Forbidden Magna due in October

Sadness being revived for Wii U

Rodea trademark renewed

Wii Sports Club Boxing & Baseball coming June 26 digitally

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

AstroGamer said:

Rodea trademark renewed


I've already reported that the 3DS version of "Rodea the Sky Soldier" was 70% complete during 2013.

And Monster Hunter 4 will never come to Wii U.

I don't know what will happen to the Wii version of Rodea the Sky Soldier.

The same people who make Rodea the Sky Soldier are going to make a new IP exclusive to the Wii U. (might get a 3DS version like Rodea the Sky Soldier did).

guys i think Nintendo is advertising amazing
for mk8
they are showing the first mk8 commercial right before the big movies like Godzilla
and as2 XD(who knew Sony would allow it XD)


(Won)Bet with TechoHobbit: He(Techno) says 10 million by January 1,2014 I say 9 million by then. Winner gets 2 weeks of sig control.

(Lost)Bet with kinisking: I say Ps4 will win April NPD while he says Xbox One will win it; winner gets 1 week of avatar control.

Raichu's First Series:

First RPG?

First Fighter?

First Racer?

First Shooter?

First MMO?

First Horror?

Official Ni No Kuni Fanboy:

Familiars Captured:37

Game Beaten: 2 times almost

Times I got teary during some scenes: 3