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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination - Sorry VGC, But Your Thread Is In Another Castle


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RolStoppable said:
Einsam_Delphin said:

That was not in the thread title and this thread has thousands of post of in it, so barely anyone would have seen it. I sure didn't until just now, hence it needs it's own thread! And yes there is a complaint right here! This whole thread rights and claiming thread topics thing is hypocritical and does nothing to better the community, only hinder it, so it needs to be done away with already!

So when will your weekly MK8 tournaments take place?

lawlz, I never even said I was gonna have weekly tournaments!

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RolStoppable said:
Einsam_Delphin said:

lawlz, I never even said I was gonna have weekly tournaments!

So all the fuzz because you are a diva.

Naw, I just don't turn a blind eye to injustice and tyranny when I could do something about it!

RolStoppable said:
Einsam_Delphin said:

Naw, I just don't turn a blind eye to injustice and tyranny when I could do something about it!

Are you sure about that? Just today you brushed off the racial underrepresentation in Mario Kart 8 as a non-issue.

Very sure! That Mario Kart thing was A.) a non-issue and B.) not something I could do anything about. Now I wonder how much longer until you once again give up your nitpicking charade!


And no Conegamer, not responding will not make the problem go away, as Axumblade already learned hehe!

Einsam_Delphin said:

And no Conegamer, not responding will not make the problem go away, as Axumblade already learned hehe!

Wait, what am I supposed to be responding to? I am doing other things as well and so can't be here all the time...

Way I see it, there's a few possibilities. You can continue to go down this path, posting in this thread or others. You did that before and you got your answer.

Or you could PM me, and/or Axum. Again, you did that and you got your answer.

Or you could send a mass PM or something similar, but you did that and you know what came from that. 


So what do you want to do? The best move would surely be to drop it; I thought we had agreed that actually? All I will say is, don't say it here. You've already been loose with your comments of the mod team here, and that's not going to wash from this point. Another post like the ones above and expect to be banned. 


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Wii U News: May 16, 2014

Love and tolerate.

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I hate seeing Cone and Einsem fight like this. They are both great members of this site, and I can't see anyone "winning" from this recurring conflict.

Love and tolerate.

Conegamer said:
Einsam_Delphin said:

And no Conegamer, not responding will not make the problem go away, as Axumblade already learned hehe!

Wait, what am I supposed to be responding to? I am doing other things as well and so can't be here all the time...

Way I see it, there's a few possibilities. You can continue to go down this path, posting in this thread or others. You did that before and you got your answer.

Or you could PM me, and/or Axum. Again, you did that and you got your answer.

Or you could send a mass PM or something similar, but you did that and you know what came from that. 


So what do you want to do? The best move would surely be to drop it; I thought we had agreed that actually? All I will say is, don't say it here. You've already been loose with your comments of the mod team here, and that's not going to wash from this point. Another post like the ones above and expect to be banned. 

You ask me what I want to do, then say don't say it here or else banhammer. Sounds like a trap! 

Should definitely release this in the west too. 

Salnax said:

I hate seeing Cone and Einsem fight like this. They are both great members of this site, and I can't see anyone "winning" from this recurring conflict.

You only have yourself to blame lol jk!

Salnax said:

I hate seeing Cone and Einsem fight like this. They are both great members of this site, and I can't see anyone "winning" from this recurring conflict.

I agree. That's why anymore discussion, even vaguely related to the whole matter at hand (namely the official threads thing) or any further undermining of to rules and the mod team from anyone will result in a straight ban.


It's not a trap, Einsam. It's a warning. 


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.