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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination - Sorry VGC, But Your Thread Is In Another Castle


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RavenXtra said:
DélioPT said:
"A New Look Nintendo Network is Incoming"?

Where did you see that burninmylight?

Lol I was wondering that myself. I saw the title and kept scanning the comments to find it xD

I thought he was talking about the nintendo webpage link. :D

Around the Network
DélioPT said:
"A New Look Nintendo Network is Incoming"?

Where did you see that burninmylight?

It's in the thread title right now, plus a link to the story in the first post.

EDIT: didn't realize others had answered you already. But I've been wondering all week if something major could be surprising us. It comes exactly one month after the last Nintendo Direct, but you would think Nintendo would have announced it in advance instead of blindsiding us with it.

DélioPT said:
Conegamer said:
DélioPT said:
"A New Look Nintendo Network is Incoming"?

Where did you see that burninmylight?

Link in the OP and the title:

There's extended maintenance this week (tomorrow infact), and many are speculating that it'll bring a major overhaul to the whole account system. Guess we will see though.

Oh, i thought he was speaking about the link to the Nintendo website.


I dunno, maybe he is? Not sure where he's coming from, but that's what I'm using. So, it's all a little confusing really

At any rate, hopefully tomorrow will bring DS games and a more managable account system. NN has a lot of potential, sure. Right now, I'm not sold that's it's using it.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Well looks like that's been cleared up now. So here's a picture of an owl.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Nintendo bringing 9 Indie Games made in Unity to GDC

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

Around the Network
Conegamer said:
RavenXtra said:
DélioPT said:
"A New Look Nintendo Network is Incoming"?

Where did you see that burninmylight?

Lol I was wondering that myself. I saw the title and kept scanning the comments to find it xD

Aww, does noone read the OP? :/

Link is a couple posts up anyway.

Sorry, slipped my mind to check there, seems silly in retrospect >_<

I did end up finding it though, that would be excellent if its true. eShop could use a bit of tweaking.

RavenXtra said:

Conegamer said:

Aww, does noone read the OP? :/

Link is a couple posts up anyway.

Sorry, slipped my mind to check there, seems silly in retrospect >_<

I did end up finding it though, that would be excellent if its true. eShop could use a bit of tweaking.

It's cool, there was a period of time when my laptop was broken that I didn't update the OP, so I guess eventually people stopped looking there. 

I also agree about the eShop tweaking. It can be quite confusing at times, hopefully this'll make things simpler!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:

It's cool, there was a period of time when my laptop was broken that I didn't update the OP, so I guess eventually people stopped looking there. 

I also agree about the eShop tweaking. It can be quite confusing at times, hopefully this'll make things simpler!

One minor thing I'd like changed is the eShop giving you more info about a game after you click it, specifically the game's size, along with any updates and DLC. If I recall correctly, it first didn't show you that info until after you purchased it. Then an update made it where  it lists the game's size on the same screen as the purchase button. But that screen still doesn't include info about the size of patches and DLC. It should be that right after I click on a game, the initial size, plus the size of any extras, should be right there without me having to go through a few more screens.

I'd also like for links right there in the eShop to Club Nintendo and the digital deluxe promotion page that automatically launch the browser and log you in when you click them.

OK, so that was more than one thing. But most of all, I want this dripfeed of VC games to end! More systems, more games, more sales!

One Piece Unlimited Red announced for European/Australian release, now coming to Wii U too

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

AstroGamer said:
One Piece Unlimited Red announced for European/Australian release, now coming to Wii U too

fixed with box art