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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which final fantasy has the BEST story?


Which Generation of final fantasy is your fave?

Old School (FF1-FF6) 79 30.04%
Golden Age (FF7-FF12) 173 65.78%
Moden Era (FF13-??) 10 3.80%
The Fury said:

FFIX has the best in my view, characters develop, change and grow. FFVI a close second. All have been good, up until FFXIII.

Oh and on the poll, Modern era should be 12 onwards. More MMO style RPG elements is a modern mechanic.

No thatvwasnt my call... square enix named it like that..


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Out of what I've played I would say X.

ethomaz said:

aikohualda said:

fave game is 9... but the story of x is amazing... wait you think 6 has better story? :O maybe i need to buy those mobile game XD

FFVI have the most consistent story... there is no main character because all have it own part in the history (not focused in only char)... the Villain is a real megafucker villain (and he really did bad things).

The story talks about everything... friendship, love, war, loyalty, policy, family, discrimination, etc... almost all themes are discussed.

And the best... it is simple.

ahould i download it on my phone?


MohammadBadir said:
ethomaz said:
MohammadBadir said:
just a question though, by Golden Age do you mean the golden age of consoles or final fantasies? because the Golden Age of consoles was the Snes-Genisis era.

I think he means about sales ... the Gold Age of FF sales... 7, 8, 9 and 10 are the best selling FF.

in that case, yeah XD FFVII had one of the best marketting campaigns ever.

square enix label the final fantasy like that.... was not my call


BasilZero said:

Golden Age easily

-FF7 (despite people not liking Cloud or Sephiroth)
-FF8 (considered to be the best romance story in the series)
-FF9 (considered to be the best FF game since FF6 - Story is AMAZING)
-FF10 (revolutionary game that took the turn based combat to a whole new level like never before and was the last one  - storyline was great too)
-FF11 (the first MMO FF - although not that praiseworthy myself but praiseworthy cause it was a risk and it was successful for SE)
-FF12 (Taking elements of a MMORPG and mix it up with FF + Star Wars themes for storyline and War/Conspiracy = awesome)

For old school only two games come close to having a epic storyline and that is FFIV and FFVI.

Modern era isnt too much brag worthy - storyline was OK but not as epic as Golden Era - would say its below the old era if you exclude FF1, FF2, FF3 and FF5.

i loved ff12 gameplay but the story is too polical...


they shouldve named it Final Politics..


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BasilZero said:
aikohualda said:

i loved ff12 gameplay but the story is too polical...


they shouldve named it Final Politics..

Exactly, a war conspiracy/political storyline - was such an amazing storyline with all the betrayals, etc *-*

Like Game of Thrones!

maybe the story ahead of its time, thats why it didnt click so much to the public


aikohualda said:

ahould i download it on my phone?

Yeah you should... unless you have some issue with outdated SNES graphics

FF9 have a close battle system to FF6... even so FF6 is a little more complex.

ethomaz said:

aikohualda said:

ahould i download it on my phone?

Yeah you should... unless you have some issue with outdated SNES graphics

FF9 have a close battle system to FF6... even so FF6 is a little more complex.

i think i have like 100+ hours on my ff9 back in high school LOL


Not 13-2 :P

I need to play 9 though

But right now I like 10

FF IX :)