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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - No More Heroes for the 360 - Marvel Online MMO cancelled

Wow. You definitely got me there. I thought No More Heroes was distinct from the Marvel story.

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I am not actually shocked by this development. Three super hero themed games was simply put overkill. City of Heroes was a success so clones came creeping out of the woodwork. I don't expect the DC licensed MMORPG to see the light of day either. I wouldn't entirely believe that the problem is micro transactions or advertising supported gaming. These are merely supplemental incomes.

I think companies are getting more savvy about the genre. They are hacking games now that aren't passing muster in development. Specifically because the consumer will no longer tolerate sub par games that are subscription based. The competition is getting more comprehensive, and perhaps in four years time we will see a slew of games that are really worth the subscription fees.

I have heard this jargon half a dozen times in the last year, and its merely a handy excuse. I think the days of success through mediocrity are falling behind us. Churning out a bugged, under thought, under developed, and unfinished game just won't receive the tolerance it once did. Especially if the consumer has to pay a premium for it.

The free games, and advertiser supported games aren't the panacea for the industry. They aren't the monster in the closet either. They are simply keeping developers honest, and forcing them to put out quality. On the other hand so is the development explosion of developers going after the pot of gold at the other end of the rainbow.

I wouldn't say this is a loss. I would instead say its a positive development. Hopefully Bioware's discussion at the GDC will give the platform and all consoles in general a better future prospect. They have the team in place, and the experience to push the genres envelope to even greater heights. Anyone else starting to hope it will be similar to Mass Effect?

So, they finally announced the cancellation.

On the City of Heroes (Superhero based MMO also developed by Cryptic) forums we noticed there were 0 announcements about it and we couldn't get any confirmations or denials.

PS. Nice job with the title, but the other half of the title tipped me off.

There is no such thing as a console war. This is the first step to game design.

It's actually to bad that there isn't a 360 & PS3 version of this game so that others could play it. No More Heros simply rocks.

BenKenobi88 said:
Pssh, I see no information about no more heroes for 360 here...I might have to ban for a misleading title...

The whole thread is about no more heroes on the 360...?

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


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i dont really get it can you tell me

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

brute said:
i dont really get it can you tell me

no more (marvel) heroes are coming to the 360 because the Marvel MMO was cancelled..


Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


this was a clever title. I was expecting news on some port of NMH, but when i read the post i understood it. lol

gebx said:
brute said:
i dont really get it can you tell me

no more (marvel) heroes are coming to the 360 because the Marvel MMO was cancelled..


Very good gebx. You got me too. I had to reread the title after I read the OP. I was thinking to myself "I swear he said No More Heroes on the 360.....oh wait".

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

That was a fantastic title! I came in here thinking the first half of your post would be old, and the second half would be new information...........hats off to you, gebx.