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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What Game Sold you on the WiiU?


What game sold you on the WiiU?

ZombiU 46 12.67%
New Super Mario Bros U 35 9.64%
Nintendoland 30 8.26%
Pikmin 3 49 13.50%
Sonic Lost World 11 3.03%
Mario 3D World 42 11.57%
Donkey Kong Country 7 1.93%
Lego City 6 1.65%
Zelda: Wind Waker HD 66 18.18%
Other 71 19.56%

Not games but franchises. Zelda, Mario, smash, are one of my favourite. I just NEED to play the next installment of each one xD.

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

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The number one thing that sold me the Wii U AT LAUNCH, was backwards compatibility. This gives me the ability to play old Wii games that I wanted to replay, or newer Wii games, like Skyward Sword, or Xenoblade.

Game wise... at launch nothing excited me much at all. I wanted to play 2D Mario because I haven't played a 2D Mario on a console for years (my neighbors friend's SNES). For the longest time, I had only Mario, Scribblenauts (meh to me), and NintendoLand (okay). Rayman got delayed and only thing I had until this past August were those three games plus LEGO City...

Goes to show, when you buy at launch, you buy at a premium; bugs, glitches, slow OS, game droughts are routine.">"><img src="

None. Got a wii u on a good deal couple months after launch... I had intended to pick one up anyway when games that interest me were out, whatever they may turn out to be.

I still have never put a disc in or played any games on it. It is pretty much now only used for netflix and lovefilm - even though the software is buggy and locks up the system.

Was really looking forward to play watchdogs but guess my first game will be SM3DW.

However I know good days are ahead.

NSMBU to be frank.
I love my 2D platformers.

Super Luigi U is also a nice addition.

Next up is Mario 3D World and hopefully a new Zelda in 2014.

Need something off Play-Asia?

im waiting for Smash Bros. not for it to come out, but to see if its worth me getting a system for it.

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I'm a ucker for Mario games

3D World, WW HD, and pretty much everything coming in 2014 will be reason enough for me.

I am sad to not see Wonderful 101 in the options. It is the best fun i had with games in some time.
That and WW:HD are the best at the moment, but smash bros, mario world, sonic, X and bayonetta are really looking great.

After playing splinter cell on it and on my PS3, i am really considering to get rayman and watch dogs for wii u instead of PC. The gameplay with the gamepad is really nice. Backwards compatibility also sold it to me.

Combination of 2 things...

3 Games I wanted: W101, Wind Waker HD and Pikmin 3
Reasonable price: 300 dollars with a game included

WWHD Bundle :D