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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Don’t vote for Hillary Clinton

madskillz said:
Bruceongames said:
sam12 said:
can someone delete this topic and ban this person


So you think that it is OK for politicians to kick the game industry round like a football.

Not trying to flame, but folks here tend not to take your posts seriously, especially when you just post your blog entries and could care less about contributing to the site or offering input that's not related to your blog. While I love my gaming blog, it's in my sig if folks wanna visit it. I don't see the point of shoving your blog down people's throats - they will liken it to being digitally waterboarded.

Just a few observations if you want this group to take your seriously. 

Thanks. I have made quite a few other posts, contributing to and starting threads. I only just posted up these three articles today to save having to pimp my site. It has provided plenty of fun, even if most have missed the points of the articles. Their loss.

Incisive and erudite blog by game industry professional.


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ok. i feel really bad that ur posts get lit up... so i actually gonna discuss the topic... I dint hear that she was anti video games but thats not y im not going to vote for her.. i was actually gonna vote for Julianni but we all saw how that turned out...

Bruceongames said:


Thanks. I have made quite a few other posts, contributing to and starting threads. I only just posted up these three articles today to save having to pimp my site. It has provided plenty of fun, even if most have missed the points of the articles. Their loss.

This site can be rude - I remember when I got started hear and I won't forget - a mod commented on my post count and said I didn't know a lot. I was like 'Dang, they aren't no joke ..' but it hit me - VGChartz gets bashed all over the Web. After that, and seeing folks come and go, people are very defensive. And I don't blame them.

I have gotten quite a few visits from because of my sig. It works. I just let folks see my link and talk about it in moderation. I know you have a wealth of info on your site - and yes, it's your blog, and I don't think folks would bash you hard if you took an active role and participated around the site. I am not a mod, nor do I desire to be one - but I am an old head who can see both sides of the coin - and think you have skillz - but making threads drawing attention to you bites. 

As President Hilary Clinton wouldn't be making laws about videogame content.  That is up to Congress.  Her only power would be in reccomending legislation to Congress.  This is a bit over the top.

If you really see this as a big issue you should be more concerned if she becomes vice president, which would allow her to break tie votes in the Senate. 

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

^ahhh source your going to give me nightmares


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It truly is our loss for not wanting the glory of reveling in your infinite wisdom. Way to play it arbitrary and act as if yours is the only opinion that matters. Is the visit count on your website so low that you have to resort to baiting teens and gamers on a tracking site to help it? Man oh man...
Maybe you're just a kid posing to be a glorious veteran that we should all worship, so as to gain some form of twisted "cred" or ego feed off of us?
I think you are. Good day sir. Go pick on the lingual skills of someone your own age.

I voted for Obama, but I don't object to Clinton.

Specifically, video game regulation is way down my list of priorities. I don't think I agree with Clinton's position on the issue, but I do agree with about 40 other positions she holds that I consider much more important.">">


TheSource said:

As President Hilary Clinton wouldn't be making laws about videogame content. That is up to Congress. Her only power would be in reccomending legislation to Congress. This is a bit over the top.

If you really see this as a big issue you should be more concerned if she becomes vice president, which would allow her to break tie votes in the Senate.

This is correct. Moreover, Bruce apparently lives in the United Kingdom.

In the grand scheme of things, video games are just entertainment, and are way down my list of priorities when I'm looking at a candidate. Furthermore, Presidents don't actually enact laws in the United States, they execute the laws that the Congress legislates.">">

Poor Bruce...if only he wasn't a crazy person.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )