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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Shin'en: If you can't make great looking games on Wii U, it's not the hardware's fault

fatslob-:O said:
curl-6 said:
fatslob-:O said:
curl-6 said:

I reckon Frozenbyte's talent lends a lot of weight to their word.

Trine 2 is incredibly gorgeous.

They are talented which grants them the right to comment about it's hardware capabilities compared to shin'en who didn't follow on their own words but my issue is that a developer like frozenbyte won't be enough to convince that the wii u is more powerful considering their voice and size is small so that is why I request ubisoft comment more on it's capabilities because a big publisher like them will not have their words denied and plus it might shut off ninjablade from spouting anymore BS.

I'd disagree that Shin'en don't follow their words, post-PS360 effects, in splitscreen 60fps, in a launch title made by 5 people that didn't require optimization seems in line with their claims.

But I agree that a big publisher would have more sway if they made an announcement, but I can't see them pissing off their PS3/360 audience like that when they comprise the vast majority of their sales. There's politics involved.

I don't know about you but to showcase hardware you use everything to show off it's power, not constraints such as low amount of developers or no optimizations.

Why would anyone (other than ninjablade) be pissed about the fact that the WII U is somewhat obviously stronger than ps360 plus it's the end of this generation so it's not like anyone would care. Another way for ubisoft to acknowledge that the WII U is more powerful is through the analysis of watch_dogs and I do believe they can pull it off.  

The whole company is just 5 people. That's their entire staff. It's only a "showcase" because of a spectacular lack of effort from everyone else.

People don't like feeling like they're getting an inferior version of something. And again, any mention of it being stronger would raise peope's expectations of the company's ports beyond what thet are willing to invest. It would make devs like Ubisoft look terrible if after all these crappy ports they then reveal it's stronger. It's an admission that they did an awful job.

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Kane1389 said:
Zero999 said:
Kane1389 said:

If you're into polygons, i believe Kratos has more than any Bayonetta character. He sure looks better.

except bayonetta, and jeanne, and the double spear guy, and the more detailed enemies.

Source please?  Because Kratos looks waaay better than any character on Bayonetta so far

the gift of sight is the source.

ninjablade said:

Your mistaken if u think I'm pissed, I originally thought the wiiu ports would run at 1080p, then I read the df comparison and saw ports were inferior, there is no excuse for a console with a more powerful gpu you and twice the ram to not atleast match the 360/ps3 ports, then you developers saying it's on par,slightly better, and even weaker, so of course I'm gonna think that wiiu is on par or slightly better then current gen


does that mean xbox360 is only slightly more powerfull than xbox? and how about the WII U EXCLUSIVES confirmed as 1080p? they certainly are much more demanding than ps360 ports.

S.Peelman said:
Pavolink said:

RDR vs Wii U

Everyone knows that last one is a bullshot, this is more like WiiU:

And that RDR shot is made in bad part of the game, it's actually so detailed it definitely looks like this:

You caught me there.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

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cheesecake said:
btw, i've played their games on the Wii/U, and they look incredible.

Who are they? Shin'en Multimedia? and which games they made for the WiiU?

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

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WagnerPaiva said:
cheesecake said:
btw, i've played their games on the Wii/U, and they look incredible.

Who are they? Shin'en Multimedia? and which games they made for the WiiU?

they're a group of 5 people or so. they made nano assault neo for wii u.

curl-6 said:
fatslob-:O said:
curl-6 said:

I reckon Frozenbyte's talent lends a lot of weight to their word.

Trine 2 is incredibly gorgeous.

They are talented which grants them the right to comment about it's hardware capabilities compared to shin'en who didn't follow on their own words but my issue is that a developer like frozenbyte won't be enough to convince that the wii u is more powerful considering their voice and size is small so that is why I request ubisoft comment more on it's capabilities because a big publisher like them will not have their words denied and plus it might shut off ninjablade from spouting anymore BS.

I'd disagree that Shin'en don't follow their words, post-PS360 effects, in splitscreen 60fps, in a launch title made by 5 people that didn't require optimization seems in line with their claims.

But I agree that a big publisher would have more sway if they made an announcement, but I can't see them pissing off their PS3/360 audience like that when they comprise the vast majority of their sales. There's politics involved.

I think the problem I personally have with using Shin'en as a showcase for the WiiU hardware is that whilst they're showing what the hardware is capable of, they're not pushing the system whilst showing those capabilities (which they've admitted to with Nano Assault Neo, only 1 core, little optimizations etc.). They create small, technically accomplished titles that use the hardware well, but these games aren't pushing the system to its limits. That's not their fault, they only have 5 people and they work to their strengths. This is the same reason I don't think Trine 2 can be used as a hardware showcase; technically accomplished but not taxing the hardware.

For this argument of the WiiU's power to be laid to rest, the WiiU needs a full blown AAA title that not only shows off the features the hardware has, but truly pushes what the system can do at the same time. It needs a game like Super Mario Galaxy on Wii, Uncharted on PS3 or Gears on 360 to act as a showcase. So far X is the only game that I've seen that might do that.

Scoobes said:
curl-6 said:

I'd disagree that Shin'en don't follow their words, post-PS360 effects, in splitscreen 60fps, in a launch title made by 5 people that didn't require optimization seems in line with their claims.

But I agree that a big publisher would have more sway if they made an announcement, but I can't see them pissing off their PS3/360 audience like that when they comprise the vast majority of their sales. There's politics involved.

I think the problem I personally have with using Shin'en as a showcase for the WiiU hardware is that whilst they're showing what the hardware is capable of, they're not pushing the system whilst showing those capabilities (which they've admitted to with Nano Assault Neo, only 1 core, little optimizations etc.). They create small, technically accomplished titles that use the hardware well, but these games aren't pushing the system to its limits. That's not their fault, they only have 5 people and they work to their strengths. This is the same reason I don't think Trine 2 can be used as a hardware showcase; technically accomplished but not taxing the hardware.

For this argument of the WiiU's power to be laid to rest, the WiiU needs a full blown AAA title that not only shows off the features the hardware has, but truly pushes what the system can do at the same time. It needs a game like Super Mario Galaxy on Wii, Uncharted on PS3 or Gears on 360 to act as a showcase. So far X is the only game that I've seen that might do that.

The Wii U has only been out for 10 months. How many real showcases did the PS3 and 360 have at this point in their lifespans? We can only use the closest things we have so far, e.g. the games that at least aren't PS3/360 material.

I agree that it needs a system pushing AAA title, which it does not have so far.