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Scoobes said:
curl-6 said:

I'd disagree that Shin'en don't follow their words, post-PS360 effects, in splitscreen 60fps, in a launch title made by 5 people that didn't require optimization seems in line with their claims.

But I agree that a big publisher would have more sway if they made an announcement, but I can't see them pissing off their PS3/360 audience like that when they comprise the vast majority of their sales. There's politics involved.

I think the problem I personally have with using Shin'en as a showcase for the WiiU hardware is that whilst they're showing what the hardware is capable of, they're not pushing the system whilst showing those capabilities (which they've admitted to with Nano Assault Neo, only 1 core, little optimizations etc.). They create small, technically accomplished titles that use the hardware well, but these games aren't pushing the system to its limits. That's not their fault, they only have 5 people and they work to their strengths. This is the same reason I don't think Trine 2 can be used as a hardware showcase; technically accomplished but not taxing the hardware.

For this argument of the WiiU's power to be laid to rest, the WiiU needs a full blown AAA title that not only shows off the features the hardware has, but truly pushes what the system can do at the same time. It needs a game like Super Mario Galaxy on Wii, Uncharted on PS3 or Gears on 360 to act as a showcase. So far X is the only game that I've seen that might do that.

The Wii U has only been out for 10 months. How many real showcases did the PS3 and 360 have at this point in their lifespans? We can only use the closest things we have so far, e.g. the games that at least aren't PS3/360 material.

I agree that it needs a system pushing AAA title, which it does not have so far.