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Forums - General Discussion - Anyone else think all the random and adult oriented topics are bad for VGC?

I have nothing against all the random threads that keep popping up now and then.
Its good once in awhile but there is way too much right now.
I admit theyre fun and entertaining and VG news is slow right now but Imagine what would people think when they first visit VGchartz and see the furom littered with "are you a virgin" "ever tried wearing women's underwear?" "are you an idiot"and "how did you learn to  masturbate?" threads in the hot topics section? the site would lose credibility.

What im asking is, can you guys/girls try to refrain from posting too many random and weird threads?
(edit for clarification: not make too many random and weird threads)

what say you?


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it has been getting a little out of control....but what else is there?



It's borderlining on fetishes what with the women's underwear and masturbation talk. Getting a bit strange here.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

but those are the best threads :(

its all in good fun anyway, they shouldn't be taken TOO seriously.

i am all with you on this one. its getting quite sad.

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LOL to Okey Dokey

I guess it is getting a little out of hand but it is attracting a lot of attention.
Sumtymes we just have to spice it up. u no what i mean rite?

Their is one big problem...Their is nothing to post about...

without those threads people would be more boring and will not post on this site or maybe get frustrated and post harsh comments;..

Oh boy and about the threads...So long if we don't get threads like witch position you prefer in bed or do you sleep naked (like GGE made) I guess it is okay..

If their is some game news people will post in those threads and the other threads will fade away..

(this is all the same on almost every forum).

--OkeyDokey-- said:
but those are the best threads :(

yeah, haha i thoroughly enjoyed those threads.
but after reading the "Capcom dont seem to have a lot of faith in VGC data" thread
it got me thinking that other people frequent this site too.

what would they think of our little community and VGC in general if the hot topics section is littered with those kinds of threads?..

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Stop being such a cry baby. Don't go into the thread if you don't like it.

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Riot Of The Blood said:
Stop being such a cry baby. Don't go into the thread if you don't like it.

hey i participate in those threads. Im thinking in a bigger point of view.
sure its fun for us, but what about the guests?
guests outnumber members in this site, and this site needs the traffic.

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