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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - I'm a Red Ring Hero!

rocketpig said:

With stars in my eyes...

Well, got the RRoD last night, toweled it up and now it's working again.

Should I coffin it or should I try to eek out a few more months in hope of getting an HDMI unit this summer?

 Sorry to hear that =/


Personally I would send it in ASAP just to get it dealt with but if there is a chance that you might get sent back an HDMI unit if you wait a bit thats not a bad reason to try and hold out.  

To Each Man, Responsibility
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smbu2000 said:
rocketpig said:
Riot Of The Blood said:
Sell that shit and get a PS3.

Why would I want two PS3s?

hey, madskillz has two PS3s, right?

, but yeah I think the RROD is when it deteriorates/loosens the solder around the cpu/gpu. The towel trick temporarily fixes it by "resoldering" the area. It's not a permanent fix, though.

For the doubters ...

And here's a different shot with my tag on the green sheet ...

The 20gb is on the shelf - the 40gb is down on the floor. I need to go box it up - a customer is swinging by to look at it. Wish me the best! 

heh, microsoft is probably kicking themselves for their shoddy quality control practice now, seriously my 360 went with almost no use (maybe 50 hours of use tops, glad I only paid 125 for it) then a week later my brothers 360 rrod on him
at least they avoided a nasty class action lawsuit with the 3 year extension on the warranty for the rrod


NOW A PUNISHER CAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're a hero.

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madskillz said:
smbu2000 said:
rocketpig said:
Riot Of The Blood said:
Sell that shit and get a PS3.

Why would I want two PS3s?

hey, madskillz has two PS3s, right?

, but yeah I think the RROD is when it deteriorates/loosens the solder around the cpu/gpu. The towel trick temporarily fixes it by "resoldering" the area. It's not a permanent fix, though.

For the doubters ...

And here's a different shot with my tag on the green sheet ...

The 20gb is on the shelf - the 40gb is down on the floor. I need to go box it up - a customer is swinging by to look at it. Wish me the best!

 nice but I never doubted u that u had 2 PS3's

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@ Wiiforever

Yeah, I have a lot of cred - sometimes, folks claim this and that and are lying through their teeth.

EDIT: I just sold the 40gb tonight ... so I am down to just one PS3 ...

With everyone's 360s dying on them I'm beginning to hope that mine is "The Chosen One". I think I only know a couple people other than me who have had a 360 for over a year and haven't experienced any problems.

Seriously though, if it weren't for all the hardware failures Microsoft would have assuredly beaten Sony this generation.

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Sqrl said:
rocketpig said:

With stars in my eyes...

Well, got the RRoD last night, toweled it up and now it's working again.

Should I coffin it or should I try to eek out a few more months in hope of getting an HDMI unit this summer?

 Sorry to hear that =/


Personally I would send it in ASAP just to get it dealt with but if there is a chance that you might get sent back an HDMI unit if you wait a bit thats not a bad reason to try and hold out.  




XBL: BiggBully

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RSEagle said:
With everyone's 360s dying on them I'm beginning to hope that mine is "The Chosen One". I think I only know a couple people other than me who have had a 360 for over a year and haven't experienced any problems.

Seriously though, if it weren't for all the hardware failures Microsoft would have assuredly beaten Sony this generation.

I so take care of my electronics. I actually take better care of them than I take care of my truck! However, my son running in my Man Space and tripping over cables was the reason. It's up now and haven't had an RROD yet. I have had it lock up on me - shoot, my PS3 did that ...

I am used to hardware failure - I had the Sony PS2 disk read error, so I am not scared off by the threat of hardware failure. I think a lot of folks are sooooo biased because they have never spent time on a machine. I'm not talking about a store demo - I'm talking about going online and playing a game or two - or playing an exclusive game on a system.

Until folks do that, I really just read over what they are saying - and likely won't comment either. 

did all you guys who got rrod have your 360s plugged into a surge protector or power splitter? i thought they claimed thats what caused rrod... i got mine plugged straight into the wall and no rrod yet "knock on wood"