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Forums - General Discussion - Yahoo declines Microsoft's 44 billion Bid! Thank god!

@ thread poster

are you a google fan??

i would not personally care

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this thread went downhill quickly.

the Wii is an epidemic.

MS will raise the bid and it will takeover it soon

Yeah this thread needs to be closed. I will say one thing though, Yahoo! uses Open Source, OpenBSD, and has one of the best development sites on the internet,

Whew i thaught i would have to delete my yahoo mail
which is my main e-mail

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KohlyKhol: why? this needs CNN headlines. I mean 44 BILLION from M$ to yahoo. Not many people know about this

Falingspam: yeah I know me too, I just switched like three months ago too!

Ha! That's probably the worse decision ever. Yahoo is dying little by little, this acquisition would've put them up there but oh well!

What are you looking at, nerd?

Did you guys seriously just say that the Youtube purchase was a good idea for google? Most investment analysts have criticized that purchase as a throwback to the old internet boom days of paying for eyeballs. There's virtually no profit being generated by the site in comparison to the price that was paid.

And the rejection by yahoo is sort of stupid on their part if they're trying to get more money. MS offtered a 60% premium, that's nearly 3x the normal amount for a takeover.

44 billion.. wow.. i would take that for my website anyday

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darconi said:
Did you guys seriously just say that the Youtube purchase was a good idea for google? Most investment analysts have criticized that purchase as a throwback to the old internet boom days of paying for eyeballs. There's virtually no profit being generated by the site in comparison to the price that was paid.

And the rejection by yahoo is sort of stupid on their part if they're trying to get more money. MS offtered a 60% premium, that's nearly 3x the normal amount for a takeover.

 The single fact that google OWNS youtube is so huge. Yotube. a video hosting site has more traffic then myspace, MSN, and facebook combined. Its third in the world wide rankings. If google had not bought youtube, then we would not see it has a key point on the itouch and phone. Youtube has gotten google a lot.