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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Angry readers want Gamespot reviewer fired after her GTA V review

The Fury said:
Kane1389 said:
I really dont care about the score, but its really obvious why ''she'' has problems with GTA themes. I mean, ''she'' criticized GTA for being too sexist and dirty??? Its the fucking GTA...

It is obvious to me why "you" don't like her review, I'm pretty sure I might agree with the review and how she expressed her views. The idea of a review is to be subjective in all matters in the game, if there is a part of the story/characterisation that offends, mention it. It needs to be else what is the point of being a reviewer? Mentioning stats and facts only? She might as well have just stated facts about what you can do and then said "You will either like it or won't like it."

Actually, this is the first GTA game i ever bought (mostly due to hype) so i have no fandom for this franchise as of yet. Nor do i think the score is bad or that he shuld be fired. But his problems with GTA come from his personal agendas and beliefs and thats extremly unprofessional. This is a Grand Theft Auto game, what did he expect? Knocnking down a game for what its famous for is incredibly stupid.

And the ''you'' thing was completly unnecessary

Kane1389 said:

No, the whole point of the review is to review the quality of the game and that isn't subjective. I can not like a certain game or genre but i shouldnt deny its quality if its there.

"You will either like the game or you won't like it."

Reviews are there to judge gameplay mechanics, technical aspects and,visual quality as well as to describe the theme, story, setting, gameplay and setting of the game

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nuckles87 said:
killerzX said:
nuckles87 said:

It's episodes like this that bring out the worst in the game community.

She's a transexual. So if she says she's a she, then she's a she. Calling her a "he" is just being grossly disrespectful. Sexual identity is more then just black and white.

It's ironic seeing the gaming community actually react to a review's substance for a change..only for it to react to it in the most immature way imaginable. Misogyny IS a problem in gaming. In the community, in the industry, in the product. No, it isn't a universal truth and it can certainly be overblown by the feminists, but it IS an issue nonetheless, and it would not surprise in the least if GTA5 has that problem. She isn't saying it's a bad game because of it, but if she thinks that is a problem, she has every right to address it.

WagnerPaiva said:
I already pre-ordered the game, but, well, I respect her opinion, I don´t agree, but respect. If we start this kind of argument, every "save the princess" game is misoginistic. That is just dumb, it is a video game, it suposed to be fun, nothing more.

For reviewers who do this for a living, video games are more then that. They are art. Complaining about misogyny in a game's story comes hand in hand with treating it like art. What you advocate is that we treat video games as toys. If you want to, that's fine, but I think that ignores all the work video game makers put into their product.

if i say im the queen of england, will you call me that, or if a consider myself a "zer" or a tree or Blue. will you be disrespectful.

This is incredibly ignorant. Sexuality is not nearly a clean cut as you like to think. Transexuality is not caused by people playing pretend: these people physically and mentally IDENTIFY as another sex, just as you identify yourself as a heterosexual man. There is a lot of mystery surrounding human sexuality, and a lot of scientific evidence pointing towards biological causes for it, while any theories or papers advocating psychological reasons ranging from questionable to completely unfounded.

Though, either way, NO ONE in the scientific community is advocating what you are: that they are just faking it. Which, again, is incredibly ignorant and disrespectful.

Like it or not, Carolyn is a woman, and you calling her otherwise would be tantamount to some ignorant stranger calling you a woman.

Legally they are males (at least in my country, but I believe it's the same everywhere). So I don't think, in general, addressing them with "he" is worng. If he/she asks expressly to be called "she" then it would be rude to use "he". But still, they are technically males.

Anyway I don't know GS editorial guidelines, but many sites are against personal reviews, and that was clearly a personal opinion not directly related to the game's qualities. To me seems like the usual little stupid bit of political correctness you find anywhere nowadays.

You know she used to be a he?

This is the Game of Thrones

Where you either win

or you DIE

Kane1389 said:
The Fury said:

Actually, this is the first GTA game i ever bought (mostly due to hype) so i have no fandom for this franchise as of yet. Nor do i think the score is bad or that he shuld be fired. But his problems with GTA come from his personal agendas and beliefs and thats extremly unprofessional. This is a Grand Theft Auto game, what did he expect? Knocnking down a game for what its famous for is incredibly stupid.

And the ''you'' thing was completly unnecessary

Reviews are there to judge gameplay mechanics, technical aspects and,visual quality as well as to describe the theme, story, setting, gameplay and setting of the game


Her. And how do you know? I find bad female characterisation and abuse of female characters in games to be non-desireable. I can guess that she has played all GTA games and has an opinion on them all and for this one she liked it. She really liked it as else she wouldn't have given it a 9/10. Almost perfect. She said it was imperfect but she never said it was imperfect for it's misogynistic. She also mentioned it was politcally muddled, why are you not focusing on that part also?

Reviews can only review gameplay mechanic, technical aspects and visual quality? What are you on about? A game is a game and all the game should be reviewed, to the gameplay to the story. It's a review not a bunch of facts.

I think it was totally nessecary as you seem to point out her personal opinions because she's female. I've now made other assumptions about you.

Hmm, pie.

askel50 said:
nuckles87 said:
killerzX said:
nuckles87 said:

It's episodes like this that bring out the worst in the game community.

She's a transexual. So if she says she's a she, then she's a she. Calling her a "he" is just being grossly disrespectful. Sexual identity is more then just black and white.

It's ironic seeing the gaming community actually react to a review's substance for a change..only for it to react to it in the most immature way imaginable. Misogyny IS a problem in gaming. In the community, in the industry, in the product. No, it isn't a universal truth and it can certainly be overblown by the feminists, but it IS an issue nonetheless, and it would not surprise in the least if GTA5 has that problem. She isn't saying it's a bad game because of it, but if she thinks that is a problem, she has every right to address it.

WagnerPaiva said:
I already pre-ordered the game, but, well, I respect her opinion, I don´t agree, but respect. If we start this kind of argument, every "save the princess" game is misoginistic. That is just dumb, it is a video game, it suposed to be fun, nothing more.

For reviewers who do this for a living, video games are more then that. They are art. Complaining about misogyny in a game's story comes hand in hand with treating it like art. What you advocate is that we treat video games as toys. If you want to, that's fine, but I think that ignores all the work video game makers put into their product.

if i say im the queen of england, will you call me that, or if a consider myself a "zer" or a tree or Blue. will you be disrespectful.

This is incredibly ignorant. Sexuality is not nearly a clean cut as you like to think. Transexuality is not caused by people playing pretend: these people physically and mentally IDENTIFY as another sex, just as you identify yourself as a heterosexual man. There is a lot of mystery surrounding human sexuality, and a lot of scientific evidence pointing towards biological causes for it, while any theories or papers advocating psychological reasons ranging from questionable to completely unfounded.

Though, either way, NO ONE in the scientific community is advocating what you are: that they are just faking it. Which, again, is incredibly ignorant and disrespectful.

Like it or not, Carolyn is a woman, and you calling her otherwise would be tantamount to some ignorant stranger calling you a woman.

Legally they are males
(at least in my country, but I believe it's the same everywhere). So I don't think, in general, addressing them with "he" is worng. If he/she asks expressly to be called "she" then it would be rude to use "he". But still, they are technically males.

Anyway I don't know GS editorial guidelines, but many sites are against personal reviews, and that was clearly a personal opinion not directly related to the game's qualities. To me seems like the usual little stupid bit of political correctness you find anywhere nowadays.

I say put him in jail with the other males and test that theory......

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Kane1389 said:
mjo011 said:
Makes me emabarrassed to be a gamer. The wole point of a review is that it should be subjective.

No, the whole point of the review is to review the quality of the game and that isn't subjective. I can not like a certain game or genre but i shouldnt deny its quality if its there

Game quality isn't subjective?  What universe do you live in?  If quality wasn't subjective each game would get the same scores from every person who reviewed them because they would be scored against a standard, structured, metric with no need for a narrative component. Anyone who thinks game reviews conform to this standard and are a legitimately objective assessment of a game's quality is kidding themselves. In the real world all reviews, in all types of media, are just opinion pieces, the scores are just for the benefit of people with short attention spans.

If your purpose for reviewing a game is to attempt inform others about whether the game is worthy of purchase for them you might attempt to limit the impact that particular personal preferences of yours affect the review (and score) but it is impossible to separate this out completely, it is human nature. Furthermore if a particular aspect of a game annoys or troubles you, not only should you mention it, it is your obligation to address it in the review because in the big wide world of gamers there will be a whole host of gamers who will have similar predilections and will place value on this particular bit of information.

If she had said the game was objectively great but I don't like the overt sexism so I'm giving it a 5, people might have some cause for complaint but at the end of the day it is still her opinion and if you don't like it, you move onto the review of someone who's thoughts and opinions are more in line with your own.

You would not see this attitude towards a review of any kind anywhere except in the gaming industry, and I agree, it is embarrassing.

I have two things to say to this.

One, provided that the Gamespot staff has no problem with her review (and given that they posted it, I'd say that's pretty obvious), then this is work of the quality and content they find acceptable, which means to me that the people calling for her being fired don't really have a leg to stand on.

Two, that having been said, I find the review more than a little off-putting.

Basically, her criticism is that the game does not present an agenda. That the fact they present characters with differing viewpoints, without saying which one is morally superior, is "hypocrisy," "inconsistent," and "politically muddled." And that the fact the game presents an absurd exaggeration of mysogyny without trying to "underscore how insane and wrong" means it "celebrates sexism."

It's a narrow-minded and frustratingly agenda-driven criticism that, in my opinion should have been cut. I'm certainly not going to storm Gamespot with a petition, but this reviewer earns no brownie points either.

I believe in honesty, civility, generosity, practicality, and impartiality.

I rate all GTA games 4/10

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Deus Ex (2000) - a game that pushes the boundaries of what the video game medium is capable of to a degree unmatched to this very day.

m0ney said:
I rate all GTA games 4/10

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

Lmfao nerd rage is hilarious!