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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Angry readers want Gamespot reviewer fired after her GTA V review

Max King of the Wild said:
Like the sessler thing i think people need to know what misogyny is. Because there is characters that treat women like shit doesnt make it misogynistic... or do you think the real world doesnt have these or strippers/prostitutes

Agreed. And people need to separate how they feel about the subject that piece of art/entertainment is portraying from the actual subject.

Giving negative points to GTA on that matter is same as giving negative points to Sex and the City for the misandry that can be found in that show - in both cases, lot of people might feel offended, which should not diminish their value per se.

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Cheebee said:
Serious_frusting said:

wow she looks very manly.

If she should die its because of her looks, not her opinion on a game that is probably way overated anyway. I aint played it yet so I cant say for sure. All I know is, I'm not buying this game until I try it. Not after GTA4.

She's transgender. Meaning she used to be a man. I think a lot of people don't know that, but it's true. Not everyone can look like Pamela Anderson, so come on.

Oh i never knew this person is a ladyboy. You would think she would have had a little work done on her face to make her look female. It was only ment as a joke, i know it was in bad taste but i never knew about his transexual condition. Its a shame for people like her.

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

It's her opinion,so what!!!!! I happen 2 agree with everything she said.

How fucking dare she have an opinion. This is an outrage!

She gave a game a 9 because she felt it was misogynistic?

That... actually makes sense.

Really, if a game is blatantly disrespectful and outright mean towards one's demographic, it's hard to give it a good review. If I played and reviewed a Concentration Camp simulation game, and found it to be lacking taste, you'd bet that I'd give it less than a perfect score.

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Anyone who thinks this women should be fired for her comments is an insecure little boy who has yet to live in the real word.  I'm a man, not a boy in high school and I agree, games like these tend to demean women.  Is a comment like that really worth getting in a huge tissy over? 

Stop hating and start playing.

curl-6 said:

A review is an opinion.
If they don't like hers, tough.
It's not her job to pander to fanboys.

I don't doubt for a second that GTA5 is strongly misogynistic, GTA4 was.

Maybe she didn't get the memo that gangsters and criminals tend to be misogynistic. Its a useless criticism she harped on.

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Mr Puggsly said:

Maybe she didn't get the memo that gangsters and criminals tend to be misogynistic. Its a useless criticism she harped on.

Exactly, i doubt she would watch Requiem for a Dream, a movie about heroin junkies, and in the last 10min when the female character goes to score some by performing sex acts in front of a group of guys she would say, "this movie is misogynistic." Because describing a movie/game by a character or scene is just asinine. Hell, a whole movie can revolve around a misogynistic character and saying the movie is mysogynistic would probably be wrong. Only game that i would describe misogynistic would be Duke Nukem and even then id have some reserves. People misuse this word as much as hypocrit.

BuckStud said:

Anyone who thinks this women should be fired for her comments is an insecure little boy who has yet to live in the real word.  I'm a man, not a boy in high school and I agree, games like these tend to demean women.  Is a comment like that really worth getting in a huge tissy over? 

Maybe she should also try living in the real world, go talk to the gangsters and see how much respect they have for women or life in general.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DonFerrari said:
BuckStud said:

Anyone who thinks this women should be fired for her comments is an insecure little boy who has yet to live in the real word.  I'm a man, not a boy in high school and I agree, games like these tend to demean women.  Is a comment like that really worth getting in a huge tissy over? 

Maybe she should also try living in the real world, go talk to the gangsters and see how much respect they have for women or life in general.

So, you're saying that games should be judged by the standards of gangsters?

I doubt she would have as much of a problem if the misogyny involved in the game was punished in-universe or something like that. But when bad deeds are simply glossed over, people get upset.

This is not just a video game issue. The same can be said for literature. In the Inheritance series, for example, the protagonist does terrible things and gets away with it, even being called a hero. We do not give the book a pass because of the author's standards. We bash it because we like to see evil be punished, or at least not rewarded in our non-tragedies.