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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Worst Final Fantasy in YOUR opinion!


Which is your least favorite FF game?

Final Fantasy VI 9 2.60%
Final Fantasy VII 14 4.05%
Final Fantasy VIII 23 6.65%
Final Fantasy IX 7 2.02%
Final Fantasy X/X-2 19 5.49%
Final Fantasy XI 21 6.07%
Final Fantasy XII 33 9.54%
Final Fantasy XIII/XIII-2 146 42.20%
Final Fantasy XIV 13 3.76%
Other answer 61 17.63%
orniletter said:
I still haven´t played a single FF and don´t even know where to start :/
...the most controversial ones seem to be FF2 (something with a broken leveling system ?), FF VIII (because of the love story/protagonist and drawing magic), FF X-2 (so kawaii !!!) and FF XIII (linear corridor: the game)
...that´s what you gather as a FF noob :/

You got 2 and X-2 right at least. As for where to start, there are several schools of thought, but I'd recommend Final Fantasy 4. It's not the best FF game, but in my opinion, it's the most Final Fantasy-like Final Fantasy, and is still very good despite being over two decades old.

Love and tolerate.

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AZWification said:
Kresnik said:

Where's the first half of the scale?  "Other answer" covers a lot of stuff!  =/

Of the ones here, FF X. Were it listed here, FF II.

 "Other Answer" for FF1, FF2, FF3, FF4, FF5 and Mystic Quest.

Just seems odd to exclude those 5.  I know you can only list 10 things, but still!

XIII gets my vote. Its only redeeming qualities were the battle system, graphics, and Sazh. Everything else was pure trash.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


Salnax said:
orniletter said:
I still haven´t played a single FF and don´t even know where to start :/
...the most controversial ones seem to be FF2 (something with a broken leveling system ?), FF VIII (because of the love story/protagonist and drawing magic), FF X-2 (so kawaii !!!) and FF XIII (linear corridor: the game)
...that´s what you gather as a FF noob :/

You got 2 and X-2 right at least. As for where to start, there are several schools of thought, but I'd recommend Final Fantasy 4. It's not the best FF game, but in my opinion, it's the most Final Fantasy-like Final Fantasy, and is still very good despite being over two decades old.

That is the thing: I own FF4 in 3 different versions: PSP, DS and Wii VC D: !

..and FF VI as well (on VC) Which version is the best ?

Final Fantasy 13.

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FFXIII is absolute drivel of a game compared to every other FF game made. I have a friend who tried to argue how it was a good game and I was all ready to tell him why it wasn't, if it wasn't for the noisy/social place we were in I would have anyway.

I don't know if I should go into detail, people might reply to me trying to change my view.

Hmm, pie.

I've only played Final Fantasy 1-9 out of the main final fantasy games.

of those I liked 2 and 9 the least (for different reasons)

FFII I played in 2011 and was unable to finish due to how broken it was in leveling and I just couldn't get into it.
FFIX I played back when it came out on the PS1 and while the graphics, etc. seemed fine I just felt like it was getting too long and drawn out and the gameplay itself felt old and besides the story I felt like I'd played the game many times before (but then again I feel that way about a lot of 6th Gen+ games unfortunately.

I did not have a PS2 during it's dominance (I have one now for my collection but I'm not certain I've ever turned it onw) and did not like the direction Final Fantasy took with 9+ so I have stopped playing the franchise so I can't comment on X, X-2, XII, XIII, XIII-2 or of course the MMOs (as I do not play MMOs on principal). I know I'm such a stick in the mud.

IV, VIII and VI are my favorites out of the main line (Tactics is my overall favorite Final Fantasy game and one of my favorite games of all time)

Systems Currently Playing: WiiU, PS3, 3DS

Also Have: Atari 2600, NES, SNES, PS1, N64, PS2, Wii, GB, GBC, GBA, DSLite, DSi, Android (RazorMax), iPhone (4), iPad (2)

Final Fantasy 13 is definitely the worst ever.

13 and 13-2 have the worst characters and I played all from 7 on up. The characters got extremely feminine.

You forgot FF I II III IV and V. The worst for me is Final Fantasy II, it was really bad when you compare it to the rest. Also Final Fantasy XIII was really dissapointing. Even though I liked some parts, it was the ending that made me hate the game.

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