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Nintendo Fan Girl aren't you 12 (This is a serious question, not an insult)? If you weren't a virgin I would be really scared.

No, I'm not, but I didn't lose it in meaningless sex like most of you seemed to. Had sex for the first time with a girlfriend of 1 year (we are up to 4 years now). I was 18 at the time. For those of you who fail at teh mathz I'm 21.

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Nope, lost it when I was 17.

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So the whole "gamers can't get laid" argument is a myth? :P

Snesboy said:

No. We should wait until we are married.

@iclim4 That is the way I try to look at it. But I am not perfect. I have found someone with the same morals as myself so no worries there =]

@lolita Sex is not an awful thing. In fact, it is a beautiful thing but only if you reserve it for the one you truly love. Also, I don't like the idea of birth control pills. Prevention of human life just bothers me. idk.

what happened to look at sex as a religion?
you should try not push your morals and beliefs unto others.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

Yes, I am. I am 23 and have never had the opportunity. The last girlfriend I had was in middle school, who I dumped because spending time with her was cutting into my video game time?! In retrospect that was idiotic, but young folk are prone to making poor decisions.

I spent the rest of middle school and high school playing/making video games, playing basketball and hanging out with friends. I spent all of university studying and playing sports. Now I don't do anything, much of this activity involves sitting in my house.

I don't feel "proud" or dignified and I'm not embarrassed or ashamed of it either. Due to the circumstances of my life I haven't had sex. When the opportunity shows itself in the course of my life I will most definitely act on it, though because I have a bit of hypochondria I plan on being safe about it.

As to whether there is reason to wait; sex has two purposes: reproduction and recreation. If recreation is not your goal, then go ahead and wait. If reproduction is not your goal there are near perfect methods to prevent it. I think it's closed minded to think that sex for recreation is a bad thing. People like having a good time and there are plenty of ways to achieve that, gaming being the one people are most familiar with on this site.

Sex is another way of having a good time. Sexuality is extreme natural to humans and it is natural for humans to have sex as early 12 or 13. The answer is, if it seems OK to you then it's OK because you are human. If you're young make sure to use contraceptives as having a child young can alter your life with lots of responsibility, unless that's your goal.

On a final note, the prevention of human life may not be looked at as right or wrong. But as necessary or unnecessary. In the history of humanity it was once beneficial to increase the population of humans as fast as possible to fill the earth. We have done a great job of that. It is humanities responsibility to ensure the continued success of the race. At some point that means controlling the human population so that it may live within the limited scope of earth. Until humanity finds new grounds for expansion population will continue to be a global concern. 

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Yea I lost it to a girl I dated for more than a year whose was her first time too. I actually regret losing it to her cause she ended up breakin my heart but bleh. I only have sex with girls I love.

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iclim4 said:
lolita said:

Why isn't it morally right? Is sex such an aweful thing? I mean you can think what you want but really I don't see what's wrong with it if you do it with someone you love, even unmarried.

@ Imagine everything you have ever done that is fun in your life. Now put a balloon over it. Is it fun anymore? No didn't think so. - Aaron Wayne Sword

Erm birth control pills... No need of the "balloon" anymore.

actually he also meant the balloon thing for STDs

Yeah, but testing and monogamy takes care of that.

@snesboy, if you open up your mind a little, you'll find that morality is an extremely subjective thing.  You ask why we don't think it's morally wrong, "have these people been told otherwise?"  Well, how about it?  Do you think it's morally wrong because you've been told it is?

I had sex with someone I love but I'm not married to him. Does showing my love to someone I love oh-so-much send me to hell?

lolita said:
Snesboy said:

In closing, why would people even have pre-marital sex? It's not morally right. Have these people been told otherwise or where they just really fucking horny and don't control themselves?

Why isn't it morally right? Is sex such an aweful thing? I mean you can think what you want but really I don't see what's wrong with it if you do it with someone you love, even unmarried.

@ Imagine everything you have ever done that is fun in your life. Now put a balloon over it. Is it fun anymore? No didn't think so. - Aaron Wayne Sword

Erm birth control pills... No need of the "balloon" anymore.

 See, this is the problem with some people. They attempt to thrust their "moral" views on others. It's not just about being "fucking horny", for a lot of young people it's actually about expressing their love and passion for eachother. Why would you need to wait until marriage for that?

Also, lolita is correct. Birth control for the win 


Currently playing: Civ 6

For the maturity and morality issues, I've seen very mature 17 year olds, and very immature 30 year olds. I'm not saying people should have sex in high school or not. There are many factors that would need to be weighed on a per-person basis. Morality depends on your beliefs (doesn't need to mean religious. Just personal thoughts and ideas), so other people may have different beliefs than you. I don't really have a problem with someone relatively young having sex if they are responsible enough to handle it maturely, but I also have no real problem with people who want to wait, and I'm willing to support them if that's what they really want.

 As for the old fashioned, I myself feel I am a little old fashioned in some respects, but for this subject it can be a little odd. If you go back not really that far, then 14 or 15 years old was a not too uncommon age to get pregnant, but I know you people mean the only a couple hundred or so years old old fashiioned. 

As for myself, have I made mistakes and have regrets from relationships, sure, I think that's pretty normal. Do I have any life shattering regrets, none that I think of as such.