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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GTA 5 cost 265 million to make and advertise o.O bigger than 99% of hollywood movies

The statistic in the thread title is incorrect though, since the 265 million encompasses all the marketing costs while they didn't consider that for the movie budgets.

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They will probably get the money back on week one.

Yea, not really that interested in the game. I might pick it up later. Just seems like more innovative and next gen games on the way.

Personally I would chose Watch Dogs over GTAV.

Note: It should sell outstandly, with all consoles avalible people already have in their homes.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

Holy shit. 5 Million more and Id buy it too....

the-pi-guy said:
rakugakist said:
Dulfite said:

I'm pretty new to the Vgchartz community (Nintendo fanboy here<<<) but there seems to be a lot of incredibly inappropriate pictures displayed on people's profile images or in their signiture section. I like to discuss things about videogames and not have to worry about seeing porn.

-An engaged guy who is waiting for marriage to have sex for the first time.

What does this have to do with the topic?  And why oh why are you in a GTA forum if you're worried about seeing inappropriate images?

He isn't able to start a thread so I'm guess he decided to post here since he is apparently distressed about OP's sig and picture.  Also very very good question.  

While I don't have the ability to start a thread yet and I've wanted to start threads in the past over various subjects, that is not the case here. I simply clicked on the topic because I was curious what everyone thought about the cost of the game and the first thing I saw made me wish I didn't click on the link. Why can't people simply discuss things without putting inappropriate images/words attached with them? 

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Lulz said:
Dulfite said:

I'm pretty new to the Vgchartz community (Nintendo fanboy here<<<) but there seems to be a lot of incredibly inappropriate pictures displayed on people's profile images or in their signiture section. I like to discuss things about videogames and not have to worry about seeing porn.

-An engaged guy who is waiting for marriage to have sex for the first time.

1. You're probaby a troll, as no one with any sense of logic or reasoning is going to believe that anyone who is interested in a GTA game is overly sensitive about seeing scantily clad women.

2. There is no porn in the OP's sig or av. If you think women in bikinis qualifies as porn you should probably avoid public pools and beaches

3. You are free to leave at any time. No one is holding you at gun point forcing you to browse VGChartz. 

4. People like you, providing you're serious and not trolling, are so flagrantly annoying and obnoxious that the mere thought of you makes my skin crawl. People don't need to be lectured about what you personally find to be inappropriate. People don't need to be told by you how to customize their online profiles. You don't know what's better for the rest of us, and your asumption that you do is sickening. 

5. You really need to learn not to over-share. This is a video game forum. We don't care, and we don't want to know if you're a virgin waiting for marriage.

6. Have a nice day.

1. I'm not interested in playing GTA 5 or any other GTA. I was simply stunned by how much the game cost and I wanted to see what everyone's thoughts were. Am I only allowed to click links to games I want to play?

2. I'm supposed to adjust my definition of porn based on socities current definition? Sorry but I don't see the difference between someone wearing 10% clothing and someone wearing no clothing.

3. So anyone with original thought and a desire to discuss things in an appropriate manner should not be respected enough to the point where their comfort level is violated? I'm sure I could offend people by saying something inappropriate or showing an image of something offensive but I'm not going to out of respect and love for my fellow human beings and in accordance with my beliefs.

4. Wow... that's a lot of harsh statements. Not sure if your trying to get me to throw insults back at you, but I won't. I am a servant of Christ and I hope to be as loving as possible towards other people (even people who insult me, belittle me for my faith/beliefs/morals, or accuse me of false things). I'm not telling people to change their lifestyle (that is their own struggle if they are in sin). I'm asking people to show respect towards people who are just wanting to read and discuss things and not have to be subjected to things that are against their beliefs. I'm sure plenty of people who have wanted to read articles on vgchartz have turned away from discussion in favor of more appropriately based websites. Do people here really want to eliminate feedback altogether from people who are offended by nudity/offensive language? Do you want to limit the userbase here to a certain mold of gamers?

5. That was to point out one reason WHY I didn't want to see the pictures; least people think I was trolling instead of being serious.

6. Thank you, and may your day be good as well. 

With much love enabled to me by Christ's sacrifice and change of my life!

Holy crap. This guy is for real and not a troll. This is way more fascinating than GTA V sales...

SnowPrince said:
darkknightkryta said:
I really don't understand where the money for GTA goes....

I don't get your point, the thread makes it clear that the Developpement and Marketing (Adverstising..) for GTA cost very much.

There's no reason for any game to cost 100 million to make?

Dulfite said:
Lulz said:
Dulfite said:

I'm pretty new to the Vgchartz community (Nintendo fanboy here<<<) but there seems to be a lot of incredibly inappropriate pictures displayed on people's profile images or in their signiture section. I like to discuss things about videogames and not have to worry about seeing porn.

-An engaged guy who is waiting for marriage to have sex for the first time.

1. You're probaby a troll, as no one with any sense of logic or reasoning is going to believe that anyone who is interested in a GTA game is overly sensitive about seeing scantily clad women.

2. There is no porn in the OP's sig or av. If you think women in bikinis qualifies as porn you should probably avoid public pools and beaches

3. You are free to leave at any time. No one is holding you at gun point forcing you to browse VGChartz. 

4. People like you, providing you're serious and not trolling, are so flagrantly annoying and obnoxious that the mere thought of you makes my skin crawl. People don't need to be lectured about what you personally find to be inappropriate. People don't need to be told by you how to customize their online profiles. You don't know what's better for the rest of us, and your asumption that you do is sickening. 

5. You really need to learn not to over-share. This is a video game forum. We don't care, and we don't want to know if you're a virgin waiting for marriage.

6. Have a nice day.

1. I'm not interested in playing GTA 5 or any other GTA. I was simply stunned by how much the game cost and I wanted to see what everyone's thoughts were. Am I only allowed to click links to games I want to play?

2. I'm supposed to adjust my definition of porn based on socities current definition? Sorry but I don't see the difference between someone wearing 10% clothing and someone wearing no clothing.

3. So anyone with original thought and a desire to discuss things in an appropriate manner should not be respected enough to the point where their comfort level is violated? I'm sure I could offend people by saying something inappropriate or showing an image of something offensive but I'm not going to out of respect and love for my fellow human beings and in accordance with my beliefs.

4. Wow... that's a lot of harsh statements. Not sure if your trying to get me to throw insults back at you, but I won't. I am a servant of Christ and I hope to be as loving as possible towards other people (even people who insult me, belittle me for my faith/beliefs/morals, or accuse me of false things). I'm not telling people to change their lifestyle (that is their own struggle if they are in sin). I'm asking people to show respect towards people who are just wanting to read and discuss things and not have to be subjected to things that are against their beliefs. I'm sure plenty of people who have wanted to read articles on vgchartz have turned away from discussion in favor of more appropriately based websites. Do people here really want to eliminate feedback altogether from people who are offended by nudity/offensive language? Do you want to limit the userbase here to a certain mold of gamers?

5. That was to point out one reason WHY I didn't want to see the pictures; least people think I was trolling instead of being serious.

6. Thank you, and may your day be good as well. 

With much love enabled to me by Christ's sacrifice and change of my life!

You seem to be missing the point. The rest of society doesn't need to bend to your will, and adhere to your ill-conceived notions of what may or may not be appropriate. 

If you are offended by a woman in a bikini that shouldn't mean that the 99% of the world's population that is not offended by a woman in a bikini should adjust their values to meet yours. On the flip side, you don't need to change your values either. You can simply avoid forums that don't meet your unreasonably high standard of morality. Everybody wins then.

And in regards, to your point about 10% of the body being covered essentially being he same as being totally nude, you're just plain wrong. If you find a picture of a woman wearing a bra and underwear to be no different than a woman sitting naked and flashing her va-jay-jay then you probably can't be reasoned with because you lack the ability to use logic.

The game is gonna be good but it's gonna be way overrated. Grand theft auto 4 has a 98 on metacritic... Seriously? The game was horrible compared to the other ones...

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"