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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Who Will Look Like the Bigger Fools over Xb One 2nd GPU?


Who will look more desperate over Xb one 2nd GPU rumours?

Xb one fans who want to see that 2nd GPU. 218 47.29%
Ps4 fans who are sure there isn't a 2nd GPU. 76 16.49%
They're all fools regard... 167 36.23%
Max King of the Wild said:
fordy said:


Major fail....considering this quote was spouted during the PS2 era.

So in other words, if the Xbox One's successor has 2 GPUs, your attempted shit-spouting here would be made irrelevant, just because it happened in the following gen?

The failure is strong with this one...

Forgive me for not being so involved in what some random corporate shill said and when. The fail is still yours

Once again, where did they talk about Saddam using PS2s for missile control? 

I'd give the Toy Story thing the benefit of the doubt the fact that it STARTED with a PR guy, except for the fact that it was repeated like gospel by the fans afterwards...

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Oh, and my biggest pet peeve on this site is the constant misuse of the word hypocrisy. Please educate yourself on the meaning so you dont keep using it. Also go look up logical fallacies. More specifically the whole doesnt make up parts and the parts dont make up the whole

Max King of the Wild said:
Wow. The fact that you cant even make a point about what we are discussing says a lot. Im done responding to you as its obvious we will never get anywhere when you try to bring pr into a fanbase discussion. But hey, dont mind me. Carry on your humourous illogical posts

You're done huh? No, don't mind me...still waiting for you to make that point about PS2 missile control, though....but I guess throwing a tantrum and leaving would be the easier way out...

Machiavellian said:
Max King of the Wild said:
fordy said:

You don't have to take a bias stand to call out bias. It's when one side goes to the ridiculous extremes where they believe their side is never at fault, including you!

One based on realities, my ass....

Toy story graphics!

Saddam can launch nukes!



I'm calling it the way it is...NOBODY is 100% basing their crap on realities

Toy story graphics were achieved. As for 4d nobody bought into that shit like the ridge racer quote you broght up. Also, you are confusing what sonys pr said and what sony fans said. But its obvious you need to resort to that

I love a good debate but toy story graphics was not achieved.  Not even close.  The lighting alone within Toy Story blows away anything achieved to this date on any game released.  Lets not get ahead of ourselves here.

 your right.  ive seen toy story three times in the last week lol   we arent there yet(exlcuding cinematics), although next gen is there

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz

Machiavellian said:
Max King of the Wild said:
fordy said:

You don't have to take a bias stand to call out bias. It's when one side goes to the ridiculous extremes where they believe their side is never at fault, including you!

One based on realities, my ass....

Toy story graphics!

Saddam can launch nukes!



I'm calling it the way it is...NOBODY is 100% basing their crap on realities

Toy story graphics were achieved. As for 4d nobody bought into that shit like the ridge racer quote you broght up. Also, you are confusing what sonys pr said and what sony fans said. But its obvious you need to resort to that

I love a good debate but toy story graphics was not achieved.  Not even close.  The lighting alone within Toy Story blows away anything achieved to this date on any game released.  Lets not get ahead of ourselves here.

This is a good point. Let's not forget that no modern GPU implements the Ray Tracing techniques used...

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Max King of the Wild said:
Oh, and my biggest pet peeve on this site is the constant misuse of the word hypocrisy. Please educate yourself on the meaning so you dont keep using it. Also go look up logical fallacies. More specifically the whole doesnt make up parts and the parts dont make up the whole

Thought you were 

You do realise that, based on your first post, this IS hypocrisy. Ironic that you're spouting misuse of it while displaying it at the very same time...

fordy said:
JoeTheBro said:

4D basically referred to what the cloud is today. Ken's vision was to have all CELLs connected through the internet making each other stronger when they're not locally needed. Didn't really happen, but nothing as crazy as you're talking about.

Obviously YOU don't understand 4D in the scientific sense, either...

Are we talking science or are we talking PlayStation?

Why am I even bothering with you...

(I'm waiting for the Japan conference to start so I have nothing else to do I guess)

DD_Bwest said:
Machiavellian said:
Max King of the Wild said:
fordy said:

You don't have to take a bias stand to call out bias. It's when one side goes to the ridiculous extremes where they believe their side is never at fault, including you!

One based on realities, my ass....

Toy story graphics!

Saddam can launch nukes!



I'm calling it the way it is...NOBODY is 100% basing their crap on realities

Toy story graphics were achieved. As for 4d nobody bought into that shit like the ridge racer quote you broght up. Also, you are confusing what sonys pr said and what sony fans said. But its obvious you need to resort to that

I love a good debate but toy story graphics was not achieved.  Not even close.  The lighting alone within Toy Story blows away anything achieved to this date on any game released.  Lets not get ahead of ourselves here.

 your right.  ive seen toy story three times in the last week lol   we arent there yet(exlcuding cinematics), although next gen is there

We are definitely getting close.  The key will be the lighting which is on another level than what has been achieved within games today.  Games like Ryse and Infamous SS is looking pretty close but I have to actually play the games to get a solid determination.

fordy said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Oh, and my biggest pet peeve on this site is the constant misuse of the word hypocrisy. Please educate yourself on the meaning so you dont keep using it. Also go look up logical fallacies. More specifically the whole doesnt make up parts and the parts dont make up the whole

Thought you were 

You do realise that, based on your first post, this IS hypocrisy. Ironic that you're spouting misuse of it while displaying it at the very same time...

Yes, I am going but I think you need to re-read my original post if you think it's hypocrisy. Or at least gain some sort of comprehension before you speak. By me addressing the OP does not mean I think eery single X1 fan thinks there is a second gpu... don't even know why I'm bothering with this nonsense

CGI-Quality said:
fordy said:
CGI-Quality said:

4D deals with time, how things rot/decay/evolve/change over a period. Motorstorm actually had a representation of 4-dimenisonal graphics in regards to its mud. There were a handful of other PS3 games that had similar features but I'll give it to you that it was never widespread. Still, it is real and was implemented during the system's life.

Good. You just destroyed your own argument and I'll tell you why.

Computers are state machines. They no nothing more than the information that is currently fed to them AT THE TIME. They cannot go back in time and retrieve old information, merely store it for the same point in time as the processing occurs, and they can most certainly NOT fetch information that is going to happen in the future.

Rot/decay is emulated on state machines just as I mentioned, by recording select elements of a previous state to form a new state. Most cases involve working on the very same data from the previous state.

State machines are NOT 4D. 

I would advise you to read the edit, since it wasn't ever an argument of mine. You asked to explain what 4D was, and from memory, I did, in addition to giving you a source. To understand your own stuff, you need to, first, understand what 4D means in a given space. This post proves that you don't. And try not to be so condescending, it's not helping you make any points. 

Explanation != Condescending. Believe me, I could milk it out a lot more. You make it very easy...

I've read the link, and it does not explain ONE thing about 4D. Raindrops on decaying wood is represented on a state machine the exact way that I told you, by storage of a previous state's relevant data to produce the next state. That data EXISTS in the same point in time, as what happens on an ideal state machine. Of course, if you're talking about 4D on a non-ideal state machine, then ALL CPUs do that, so why would it be bragged about?