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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 150Mhz CPU boost on XBO, now in production (1.75 GHZ)

ethomaz said:

DonFerrari said:

But MS PR (that some take as gospel) said that would be impossible for them to be with production issues and have all those "consumer units" at gamescom, and a week later they say they have upgraded the system and NOW start production...


So Penelo is right, there was no problem at production because they weren't producing yet?

I don't know if Penello is right or wrong... GamesCom have how many units? 200? 300? That's not so many... it is two or three wafer silicons for test.

Any company can produce wharever they wants before to go for mass production... Penello said the GamesCom units are not the final one (means DevKits or Test units)  that the the final unit are in production now.

MS was tunning the system... so how can you have a retail unit in mass production when you are tunning the system?

You guys are misunderstanging. Penello said that the uplock was known for some time, but they could not reveal it until now, well after FULL production has started. They were in production previously, just not full steam production. You don't just go out one day and start FULL production. You start slow and ramp up.

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Ooh Shit.., Ethomaz is just getting too strong already.., he's single handed-ly take on the entire team...(O_o)

peace_lover said:
Ooh Shit.., Ethomaz is just getting too strong already.., he's single handed-ly take on the entire team...(O_o)

And losing miserably. I suppose it is expected when one person tries to "take on the entire team"...

ethomaz said:

Lulz said:

Is that an actual fact or another one of your opinions? It's just as likely that MS played it safe to begin with and then realized they could increase clock speeds later on without the console over-heating. That theory just doesn't fit your agenda as well, though.

The upclock was forced by PS4 specs.

you really like to lie dont you

nightsurge said:

There were no yield issues.

Of course there were/are yield issues. These SoC (both MS and Sony and AMD) are brand new stuff. Brand new stuff ALWAYS has yield issues, and yield issues typically take several months to get a lock on. And MS has not one but TWO brand new SoCs, the Kinect2 one has to handle much higher frequencies than any of the other SoCs.

And going into full production does not mean at all that yield problems are solved. It just means there is enough raw material to go into full production (who would have guessed that...). If you have yield problems, you just have to run more wavers (IF you can). Since we have no clues how the contracts are formulated, it is a moot point to discuss yield issues or who started manufacturing earlier. The simple fact is MS starts in far less countries than Sony, which would indicates having more problems (of whatever kind, but most likely good chips).

Around the Network
nightsurge said:
peace_lover said:
Ooh Shit.., Ethomaz is just getting too strong already.., he's single handed-ly take on the entire team...(O_o)

And losing miserably. I suppose it is expected when one person tries to "take on the entire team"...

You understand how console warz work right? Your team thinks they are winning and have perfect points, the other team thinks they (in this case he) is winning and has perfect points. Meanwhile the Nintendo team stands by laughing knowing the true winners=us.

JoeTheBro said:

You understand how console warz work right? Your team thinks they are winning and have perfect points, the other team thinks they (in this case he) is winning and has perfect points. Meanwhile the Nintendo team stands by laughing knowing the true winners=us.

That is the only thing I'm really interested in: What happens with the WiiU sales once the new consoles are out in shops...

drkohler said:
JoeTheBro said:

You understand how console warz work right? Your team thinks they are winning and have perfect points, the other team thinks they (in this case he) is winning and has perfect points. Meanwhile the Nintendo team stands by laughing knowing the true winners=us.

That is the only thing I'm really interested in: What happens with the WiiU sales once the new consoles are out in shops...

I think that as long as Ninty keep releasing their games fans will be pleased even if they were the last Ninty consumer.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

JoeTheBro said:

You understand how console warz work right? Your team thinks they are winning and have perfect points, the other team thinks they (in this case he) is winning and has perfect points. Meanwhile the Nintendo team stands by laughing knowing the true winners=us.

Awesome post, Joe :)

ethomaz said:

 Reminds me of this guy