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nightsurge said:

There were no yield issues.

Of course there were/are yield issues. These SoC (both MS and Sony and AMD) are brand new stuff. Brand new stuff ALWAYS has yield issues, and yield issues typically take several months to get a lock on. And MS has not one but TWO brand new SoCs, the Kinect2 one has to handle much higher frequencies than any of the other SoCs.

And going into full production does not mean at all that yield problems are solved. It just means there is enough raw material to go into full production (who would have guessed that...). If you have yield problems, you just have to run more wavers (IF you can). Since we have no clues how the contracts are formulated, it is a moot point to discuss yield issues or who started manufacturing earlier. The simple fact is MS starts in far less countries than Sony, which would indicates having more problems (of whatever kind, but most likely good chips).