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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Bioshock, COD4, Orange Box win big at DICE

disolitude said:
ssj12 said:
Ken Kutoragi also received the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Nice Job Ken, You deserve it.

Why does he deserve it? Not like Sony got to where they are with smart management and creative ideas. They bullied their way in to the console market and pushed everyone around since they had the biggest wallet. The whole "losing money" on a console was started by Sony and has made impossible for smaller (most likely more creative) companies to compete.

Thats until someone came along just as big and started pushing back. He doesn't look so hot since...

Nah, Sega started the loss Leading strategy with the Gensis. They continued it with the Dreamcast. That's why Sega didn't have the proper bankroll to fund the Dreamcast and the PS2 took over.

Had Sega not loss lead and had some money... we might be talking about how the Dreamcast sold 120 million right now.  Some Sega guy might be getting that award.  Online gaming probably woulda been a lot bigger last gen.

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^ i don’t know about COD but bioshock did have some big flaws, often i found i could run up and smack an enemy before they were fully rendered


SamuelRSmith said:
Griffin said:
CoD4 on the consoles is a busted shitty game, it remains un-patched(properly) and broken. The orange box is not very good either, its just another average FPS game.

What the hell about CoD4 on consoles is exactly so busted? I've played both the 360 and PS3 versions and neither of them show any signs of being broken.

And if you ever... EVER call a Half-Life game average again, I'll cyber-slap you so hard that I'll break all of your bones in two different dimensions.

 He has a really crappy internet connection so he can't play online.  CoD4 is an amazing game though.

rockband can't complain either, 3 awards

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Kasz216 said:


 Nah, Sega started the loss Leading strategy with the Gensis. They continued it with the Dreamcast.  That's why Sega didn't have the proper bankroll to fund the Dreamcast and the PS2 took over.

Had Sega not loss lead and had some money... we might be talking about how the Dreamcast sold 120 million right now. 

Thats not true. Dreamcast was sold at cost. In fact Bernie Stolar(CEO of Sega USA) was fired because he went behind sega of Japan's back and didn't sell it for 249 as they wanted to make a profit on the system. Saturn was sold for a profit until Sony ps1 came out when Sega had to reduce the price.

I don't remember how the Genesis went down so you may be right about that...

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disolitude said:
ssj12 said:
disolitude said:
ssj12 said:
Ken Kutoragi also received the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Nice Job Ken, You deserve it.

Why does he deserve it? Not like Sony got to where they are with smart management and creative ideas. They bullied their way in to the console market and pushed everyone around since they had the biggest wallet. The whole "losing money" on a console was started by Sony and has made impossible for smaller (most likely more creative) companies to compete.

Thats until someone came along just as big and started pushing back. He doesn't look so hot since...

You have no idea what your talking about. Sony was brought into the console market thanks to Nintendo so blame Nintendo for Sony being #1 for 2 generations.

Ken received the award because he successfully expanded the game industry to the massive industry it is today.

Everyone knows the Sony/Nintendo saga which was unfortunate for both parties as that could have been a legendary partnership.

Yes Sony did expand the industry greatly...but so did Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys when it comes to music industry. You don't see them getting awards for their achievements. The videogames pie has gotten bigger for sure but it doesn't taste any better in my opinion.

All I'm saying is that if Nintendo didn't come up with the brilliant idea that is the Wii they'd probably be gone software side like Sega, mainly thanks to the arms race started by Sony and Ken who still believes 8 CPU's on a processor means better console.

Microsoft actually has a copyright on that opinion, or at least; they did last gen, being sure that more horsepower could win them the market. And come on! You won't give Sony any credit whatsoever? Being a gamer and not recognizing what Sony did is just not possible. It'd be the same to state that Apple, Asus, Dell, Acer etc never made a positive impact on the PC industry. How slowly would chips and electronics be developed if there was no competition? Slow as hell is how slow.

Nintendo started the console adventure, along with Atari. Sony's Playstation did not "bully" the others out of bussiness, it was rather "bullied" into existence by the current console makers of the time. And its success was not due to bullying either, it simply showed that the industry was going a bit stale and needed something different, much like many (probably including you) feel that the Wii is needed now. And about the quality issues; are there really no Sony franchises worth mentioning? How the hell did they sell 220 million + consoles then?! Just because you're a first at something does not mean you're the best. Take Cadillac for instance; they were actually the very first car manufacturer in the world to build a saloon car with four wheel drive, yet they're no exactly the worlds prime 4-wheel drive specialists, are they (Look it up, Audi did the same, only 20 years later and only on a rally car at first)?

Okay, might be a strange analogy, but it gets the point across. Bottom line is; as a gamer one can hate Sony as much as one wants, but as a gamer one should also appreciate and recognize the vast favours they've made the industry as a whole. If you spin the coin for a while, you'll realize that without PS1 and PS2, there'd be no Wii, and probably no x-box or 360 either, so give thanks through gritted teeth if you must, but give thanks even still.


You bring up valid points about microsoft. I want to state that I see Microsoft and Sony in the same light. Last gen I owned a PS2, this gen I decided to go with 360 but I don't care about either companies nor have loyalty to one over the other.

I completely diagree with the "no ps1 = no wii, xbox or jesus exist". Industry wasn't stale at all and there was a lot of console products in the mid 90's. PS1 had the luck of winning that generation... Imagine if 3DO won it, im sure we would see the similar "no brainer" inovation from them with 3DO 2(M2 I think it was going to be called) and M3. Industry has become stale now. It takes 25 million to make a game like Hundred are non Konami's, non Capcoms and non EA's going to compete? They can't...

But thats a whole different make my point short, I'm not arguing that Playstation didn't bring anything to the table, I just fail to see why the guy is getting an award for an average auto-pilot like job that he did. He bundled bunch of Sony products together and made the consumer buy them (PSP + memory stick, PS3 + Bluray)...I guess that was good management.
Everything else Sony ever accomplished was because they had money and could pay to generate the hype with expensive commercials, pay 3rd companies for exclusive games and sell you the console cheap at a loss.

Anyone could do that...

Mummelmann said:

Sony's Playstation did not "bully" the others out of bussiness, it was rather "bullied" into existence by the current console makers of the time.

Took the words right out of my mouth. Literally, I was going to type almost that exact same sentence. :D

Or check out my new webcomic:

Kasz216 said:
SamuelRSmith said:
Griffin said:
CoD4 on the consoles is a busted shitty game, it remains un-patched(properly) and broken. The orange box is not very good either, its just another average FPS game.

What the hell about CoD4 on consoles is exactly so busted? I've played both the 360 and PS3 versions and neither of them show any signs of being broken.

And if you ever... EVER call a Half-Life game average again, I'll cyber-slap you so hard that I'll break all of your bones in two different dimensions.

He has a really crappy internet connection so he can't play online. CoD4 is an amazing game though.

 Cod4 has a very short single player, the AI all have aimbots and make 400+ yard shots, you have grenade after grenade land on your feet during the missions.  And i have beat most of the single player on the hardest level so i'm no noob.  

I bought CoD4 the day it came out and during the first month the game was pretty much lag free, then too many people started to play and the servers became over crowded and they never fixed it.  This just keeps getting worse and worse.  The hit detection on the Snipers is broken, i can be two feet from a guy and shot him 5 times in the head and sometimes they don't die.  Along with constant Downloading game settings, host ending when infact they did not. Stats not counting, groups not staying together, mics cutting out for some players, no games list, no clan support, along with many other reasons.

  But the lag is the main issue, and due to the lag i no longer play, and anyone who says their is no lag and is noob who has no skill and cannot notice it.  I'm not no noob at online either, i was #54 in kills when i stopped playing, with a 2.55 K/D ratio and all my stats getting better and better each day.

I have a great internet connection and all other games work fine online except CoD4, this all happens on the PS3 version of CoD4.  Along with the 360 version but to a lesser extent. 


Griffin said:
CoD4 on the consoles is a busted shitty game, it remains un-patched(properly) and broken. The orange box is not very good either, its just another average FPS game.

I have yet to encounter any probs whatsoever with either COD4 and the Orange Box. You, my friend, are a *special* case. Maybe you should contact Sony about this.