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You bring up valid points about microsoft. I want to state that I see Microsoft and Sony in the same light. Last gen I owned a PS2, this gen I decided to go with 360 but I don't care about either companies nor have loyalty to one over the other.

I completely diagree with the "no ps1 = no wii, xbox or jesus exist". Industry wasn't stale at all and there was a lot of console products in the mid 90's. PS1 had the luck of winning that generation... Imagine if 3DO won it, im sure we would see the similar "no brainer" inovation from them with 3DO 2(M2 I think it was going to be called) and M3. Industry has become stale now. It takes 25 million to make a game like Hundred are non Konami's, non Capcoms and non EA's going to compete? They can't...

But thats a whole different make my point short, I'm not arguing that Playstation didn't bring anything to the table, I just fail to see why the guy is getting an award for an average auto-pilot like job that he did. He bundled bunch of Sony products together and made the consumer buy them (PSP + memory stick, PS3 + Bluray)...I guess that was good management.
Everything else Sony ever accomplished was because they had money and could pay to generate the hype with expensive commercials, pay 3rd companies for exclusive games and sell you the console cheap at a loss.

Anyone could do that...