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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Grand Theft Auto V Thread: GTA ONLINE OUT NOW!


Favourite protagonist?

Micheal 61 58.10%
Franklin 16 15.24%
Trevor 22 20.95%

"No current-gen open-world console game offers more beautiful views or more drastic lighting effects with such insane draw distances. GTA V is unparalleled in delivering such mouth-watering sunsets or midnight views of glimmering bridge lights on the rivers below. And the game does all this while juggling a larger variety of on-screen cars, with higher-polygon models, than GTA IV ever did.

At least on the PlayStation 3 version I tried, though the price for all this beauty is paid in framerate dips, messy anti-aliasing, ridiculous texture pop-in, and a reduction from the box's advertised "720p" resolution. A new version of the game on next-gen consoles or the PC would no doubt fix these issues and really set mouths drooling. As it is, Rockstar should be commended for duct-taping this mix of details and sacrifices while keeping the framerate tolerable and the glitch count to a minimum."

A shame.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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TruckOSaurus said:
Conegamer said:
Gamereactor Sweden - 10/10
Gamereactor Finland - 10/10
Gamereactor England - 10/10
Gamereactor Germany - 10/10
Gamereactor Portugal - 10/10
Gamereactor Denmark - 10/10

You get the point yet? There's a lot of 10's to go yet.

Doesn't that count only as one review though?

if the review is from the same guy just translated in different languages then yes, it should count only once. if every gamereactor had a different reviewer then no, every review counts. same with eurogamer italy and so on...

iamdeath said:
Chevinator123 said:
The IGN review says she only encountered 3 bugs in her 35hour playthrough, witch is pretty insane :o

35 hours? That's all?

Playthrough != everything done.

TruckOSaurus said:
Conegamer said:
Gamereactor Sweden - 10/10
Gamereactor Finland - 10/10
Gamereactor England - 10/10
Gamereactor Germany - 10/10
Gamereactor Portugal - 10/10
Gamereactor Denmark - 10/10

You get the point yet? There's a lot of 10's to go yet.

Doesn't that count only as one review though?

I think not. I have certainly seen more than one GameReactor on Metacritic, for example.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

AZWification said:
iamdeath said:
AZWification said:

Just wait until Quarter to Three gives it a bad score.

Just proof how useless metacritic and game reviews can be. Seems anyone can be on metacritic. Even trolls.

 He is the ultimate troll. He gave Halo 4 a  2/10 I believe.

I don't think he is a troll as in the idea you're thinking. He has certain tastes for one and grades them more radically. He gave AC3 10/10. i don't he is doing for the clicks, just he has rather strange perception of what a game should be. Besides, review scores are just suggestions. This review hysteria reminds of the last part of the Rev3Games Pax Panel. It was quite funny

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

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We're up to 21 reviews. Still 99 on Metacritic.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Heh. You know what's great? The Escapist's 7 is up. But it's still 99 on Metacritic.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Why is metacritic so slow to update all the 9 reviews, but puts the 10 ahead first. I saw like 10 9/10 reviews when I first checked the neogaf thread

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

Conegamer said:
Heh. You know what's great? The Escapist's 7 is up. But it's still 99 on Metacritic.

The weight system is rather odd.


I count to 97,52 => 98 at best, yet its 99.


EDIT: Also check the PS3 side and see how many 9's theres there..

If the game does not get a 99 I will throw away my copy.